Recent content by PaulB

  1. P

    Does every species have it's own mitochondrial eve?

    No. That's a popular misunderstanding. There never was a first woman nor man. It refers to the MRCA - most recent common ancestor. NOT the only woman in her time. See the Wiki below for the explanation.
  2. P

    Bolt snapped under car? picture included?

    Hi, I heard a grinding noise under my front wheel and noticed that a bolt has come away from what looks like the wishbone, as you can see in the picture it is scraping against the bar above it.(Mainly every time I turn right) What problems am I going to have if I travel like this...
  3. P

    Does a person's race determine what kinds of topics they would be interested in?

    I think that you are confusing race with ethnicity. Yes, someone of a certain ethnicity may be predisposed towards the values of their social group. Biological race? Nah!
  4. P

    should i buy a nintendo 3ds?

    id love to play ocarina of time again and id also love to play some more pokemon i had ds lite a few years ago and im just wondering if its worth the price and does it play old ds games and i cant afford a vita
  5. P

    does dvd regions apply if the dvd is played via an xbox 360?

    i dont think it works im not 100% though if you cant find an answer here id try the forums
  6. P

    Why did it take "homo sapiens" 188,000 years to work out how to sow seed?

    Why? Humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers for most of our evolutionary history (and some societies still are). We didn't adopt agriculture until it became beneficial to our lifestyle.
  7. P

    Which theist is getting all the questions deleted? Do our questions threaten you

    No dude, I think they're just bored with lame trolls.
  8. P

    I have a meeting tomorrow and the dress code is smart/ casual, can I turn up in...

    No, that would be smartarse casual. I don't think that counts.
  9. P

    Why do atheists steal my boxers?

    I like dogs. Got a problem with that?
  10. P

    How many people here are truly interested in learning what the bible

    Don’t waste any effort coming up with a decent answer, folks. We’ve got us a points gamer. Asker has copied this resolved question from 4 years ago:;_ylt=AqgtIPnkSsaZKwtDqm2EPtojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070207190444AAPAxc5 BA will go to their sockpuppet...
  11. P

    Atheists,why complain about grammar?

    Correct spelling and grammar shows respect for the reader. We shouldn't have to try to interpret what a question is trying to ask.
  12. P

    Atheists: What do you believe the function of religion is?

    It helps to make the name of this place make sense. "and Spirituality" just isn't a good name for a category. (((Olga)))
  13. P

    How do you feel about predictions that 'The Rapture' will occur in May of...

    I always have a bit of a laugh when I see the local billboard advertising that one. It just shows that there are people out there with too much time on their hands and enough money to put up stupid signs. I can't help wondering if it's going to be a rolling Apocalypse, since it will be the 21st...
  14. P

    How can I get my item to sell faster on ebay? It's Harry Potter DVD's?

    Thats a good price for a 5 dvd box set.Patience is the key.Things dont always sell fast on Ebay and sometimes they dont sell at all.I used to use bay allot and something i couldnt sell and other items like video games would sell in less than 24hrs.