Recent content by PattyJ

  1. P

    LGBT: How do you react when you see a gay couple having PDA?

    Thanks Ashley I thought she was asking about Palm Pilots? As far as personal displays of affection I think all couples gay or straight should be able to freely display moderate affection, such as a quick kiss, or holding hands. Anything more than that is inappropriate for any couple.
  2. P

    Ever met a conservative who is "always" having a bad day?

    LOL LOL on the contrary.The RIght is going out of their minds with frustration because McCain/Palin got spanked by President Obama! They are incapable of answering a normal question, so they post ones like yours. Better get your prescription for Prozac now, cuz it's gonna happen AGAIN in 2012-...
  3. P

    My son is planning a study abroad trip to Ahmedabad India,he is supposed to...

    ...leave on August 12 for 3 months After the recent bombings he is unsure about going and is trying to decide if he should go or not. Is travel to this city safe?
  4. P

    Gum shaped mini spy camera [CH-SP013] - $89.00?

    oh,so cool, it just cost 89usd@ Is it good quality, has anyone tell me?