Recent content by Pancakes

  1. P

    What's the difference between a nutrition major and a health studies major?

    Hi! I am currently incredibly unhappy with the university I am attending now. And I am currently majoring a nutrition at a university that has an accredited program. I really really hate this school, so I'm thinking of transferring to another school closer to home, but it doesn't offer...
  2. P

    Make me laugh............................? BQ: Pills, bed rest, water, and talking to me of course!
  3. P

    Back when I was a Y!A newbie, I used to...?

    not know what @ meant when someone used it in a question.
  4. P

    POLL: Have you ever ran away from home?

    If so, where did you and what did you do? This is harder than I thought..
  5. P

    What is the coolest way to greet someone?

    lol poopybutt=D how bout whats up ketchup?
  6. P

    Fans of American Idol?

    This is hard for me.... I think Michael or the blind man (sry I forgot his name). My favorite is by far KRIS! Love him and Danny Gokey and I don't really like the girls.
  7. P

    is the girl in the bounty commercial the same one in the att commercial?

    is the girl in the bounty commercial the same one in the att commercial? It's the ATT commercial where the little girl is saying goodbye to her father going away and is excited to see him and the bounty commerical is brand new with a little girl with paper towels.They are always played during...
  8. P

    What are some good and not that hard songs to play on the electric guitar? i

    mostly like rock. but not scream-? i mostly like rock. but not scream-os. Nothing too gothic please. but otherwise yah.
  9. P

    1998 toyota rav 4 (4cyl) ?

    where can I buy these specific car parts online... *crankshaft bearing *connecting rod bearing *Timing Sprockets *Power Stearing pinion rack over hauling kit (but only the repair kit). my dad's asking me to buy these for him online but I have no clue where to look for them or how to look for...
  10. P

    Does anyone know the difference in sound between amp companies like fender,

    marshall, vox, line 6, etc...? Im going to buy a new tube amp and im wondering if different tube amp companies have different sounds
  11. P

    where are people getting all of this retarded crappy rumors on obama?

    i mean really! people saying hes a terrorist because he was assosiated with some lunatic when he was EIGHT?