Recent content by pab

  1. P

    Atheists: Why don't you accept Jesus Christ's pardon?

    What a terrible justice system....let the criminials continue to hurt people without trying to stop them until they die. Never attempt to rehabiliate, never attempt to repay their damages, just punish them for infinity for an finite crime. How can god have such a piss poor justice system...
  2. P

    Why do some atheists pretend to be fundamentalist Christians on the internet? lol?

    Sometimes they are actually "retarded christians" (your words not mine)...actually, probably more often than not. Usually trolls give up after awhile.
  3. P

    Does anyone else find it hilarious when creationists talk about Carbon Dating

    rocks/fossils and other...? ...ancient artifacts that are millions of years old, and how those carbon dated rocks prove something. BQ: Do you know what makes that notion laughable?
  4. P

    What are some of the best apps for an android phone?

    Paid and non-paid. Thnx!
  5. P

    What will our grandchildren think about our technology in the future?

    it will be seen as primitive and hard to use
  6. P

    Why do atheists care what Religious ppl think? In Georgia a bill being...

    ...introduced makes a miscarriage a felony? A bill being introduced in Georgia will make it so that a woman can be charged with a felony if she has a miscarriage. Additionally, if a doctor were to attempt to save a woman's life, but make no attempt to save the fetus, he will be charged with...
  7. P

    Hey I don't understand how my DVD player works. Does that mean it's powered by...

    Either that, or it is a tool of his arch nemesis demon to trick you.
  8. P


    Whatever you need to believe to help you sleep at night...
  9. P

    "truth" tobacco commericials, your thoughts?

    Hey, if someone is so mindless as to be swayed by that nonsense, I guess it doesn't bother me.
  10. P

    What evidence is there, that gay adoption does?

    a couple cases of horrible actions does not represent ALL people in that demographic by your standards EVERYONE rapes babies, because a few gay and many straight people have done so
  11. P

    My friend is super close minded when it comes to religion...Why?

    short answer...because she's a Christian in America Many of them have a persecution complex
  12. P

    Is it true that if you don't do nothing God won't?

    ha, too many negatives: don't do nothing won't
  13. P

    Greeting people - when you don't know their names?

    ma'am, dude, sir, dudette, guy, lady, man or just say good evening, and thats it
  14. P

    Can you recommend a good on demand Netflicks SCI-FI movie?

    I'm assuming everyone's Netflicks on-demand is the same... What are some good SCI-FI movies on demand right now? What do you like about whichever movie you liked? So far I've enjoyed: Terminator 2 Waterworld Serenity Dune I also saw a couple crappy ones, so that's why I've decided to ask.
  15. P

    Non-believers do you realize the end times prophecies in the bible have and

    riiiiight people have been saying we are in the end times for thousands of years you're just as wrong as the rest