Recent content by originata

  1. O

    If a Hispanic guy hates a white girl is it considered an interracial relationship?

    It depends on who you ask. They are certainly different cultures and ethnicities but hispanic isn't really considered a race (even though race doesn't really exist to begin with).
  2. O

    do you think teens showing pda is bad?

    There is a line you can cross and it applies to everyone not just teens. Some people act like they can't control themselves.
  3. O

    My boyfriend & I always get PDA for stupid things?

    Most people think it's simply inappropriate. I'm pretty sure people aren't warning you for holding hands, so I don't believe that for a second. Usually people who are all over each like this are usually immature, and don't realize how inappropriate they are. Personally, I find it annoying.
  4. O

    are interracial relationships becoming a trend?

    I'm 30 years old and I've been hearing white men ask this question ever since I can remember. This is not anything new. It's probably more socially acceptable now for white women to OPENLY date black guys but this is not a new trend.
  5. O

    "Most men are insecure about their sexuality" Why would a feminist say

    Any trait or behavior of men that they do not agree with or understand is automatically put down.
  6. O

    How can I stay healthy by eating on only $200 next month?

    You can do this easily but you simply cannot eat out. You'll have to go grocery shopping and live off of what's in the fridge. Drink a lot more water (tap water) and that'll be more money you can spend on food. $50/week for a month is more than enough for one person.
  7. O

    How can I stay healthy by eating on only $200 next month?

    You can do this easily but you simply cannot eat out. You'll have to go grocery shopping and live off of what's in the fridge. Drink a lot more water (tap water) and that'll be more money you can spend on food. $50/week for a month is more than enough for one person.
  8. O

    Help with creating, changing my workout routine?

    Are you doing all of this in one workout? I would simply say not to forget about your lower body. Some exercises you can do with what you have are squats, lunges, step ups, and calf raises.
  9. O

    Help with creating, changing my workout routine?

    Are you doing all of this in one workout? I would simply say not to forget about your lower body. Some exercises you can do with what you have are squats, lunges, step ups, and calf raises.
  10. O

    Women complain how good men are so rare thesedays. Could the raise of the

    Could be true to an extent but it's probably more that these women do not know what a good man is since their mothers didn't know how to choose one either.
  11. O

    why do some black ppl feel it is ok to constanly use the N word, but scream racist

    This question is extremely juvenile. I bet you use words/terms jokingly, affectionately around family members and friends that you'd be offended by if anyone else uses them. If you do not, then you are an extremely sheltered boring person or you are just as much of a hypocrite as black people...
  12. O

    why do some black ppl feel it is ok to constanly use the N word, but scream racist

    This question is extremely juvenile. I bet you use words/terms jokingly, affectionately around family members and friends that you'd be offended by if anyone else uses them. If you do not, then you are an extremely sheltered boring person or you are just as much of a hypocrite as black people...
  13. O

    Did the International Patriarchal Conspiracy give Wonder Woman an invisible...

    Yes and also the lasso so that she can entertain men by riding mechanical bulls in random country-themed bars, in her downtime of course.
  14. O

    How come you would hear black people complain about slavery more than Jewish...

    What planet do you come from where Jewish people don't complain about their plights? Being that none of your examples OCCURED IN AMERICA, then any criticisms by Jewish people of their treatment is not targeted towards Americans or the government. That was an easy one.
  15. O

    does talking on the internet lessen your ability to socialize in the real world?

    You have a good point, but I don't think it lessens their ability but doesn't allow the ability to communicate in person even develop in the first place. I'm in my late 20s and it is even weird to me seeing a lot of younger people thinking they are in romantic relationships with someone 1000s...