Recent content by OrcaDocinTraining

  1. O

    Was Jesus a charismatic but unsophisticated Galilean peasant who wanted to...

    No; he was really just a young Jewish guy who tried to bring a little basic Judaism to the masses, and got crucified for his troubles. By the standards of his day, he was probably pretty well educated, as he could apparently speak Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek (and probably Latin as well). I...
  2. O

    Isn't it sad that most of the world governments are working against Christ?

    It's sad that you see it that way. Working toward secular goals is not "anti" anything. It's just not necessarily Christian - for which I am eternally grateful.
  3. O

    Do you think the relationship questions are invading Polls&Surveys?

    I hadn't really noticed. However, if you feel that's the case, report them.
  4. O

    My penis size inspired me to find Christ?

    I guess if you have to use a magnifying glass to find one small thing, you might consider using it to find something ELSE you can't see...
  5. O

    the concept of the Holy Spirit is from christianity or judaism?

    It is not part of Judaism. It's from Christianity. Judaism teaches there is ONE God, not three.
  6. O

    What was the beneficial mutation that helped Islam and Christianity outpace

    Appealing to the lowest common denominator helped a lot ;-)
  7. O

    Is it true in Greece today, theres still people who believe in Greek gods...

    Out of 7 billion-plus people, I'm sure there is SOMEONE out there (although not necessarily in Greece) who believes in the old gods. The odds simply favor it.
  8. O

    Is it true in Greece today, theres still people who believe in Greek gods...

    Out of 7 billion-plus people, I'm sure there is SOMEONE out there (although not necessarily in Greece) who believes in the old gods. The odds simply favor it.
  9. O

    Survey: This is for all Girls, why is this guy so hot..?

    I think the girls at your school must either be blind or desperate.
  10. O

    Are all girls really catty and do they really gossip a lot like they make them in TV?

    Are all guys idiots like you? There's your answer.
  11. O

    Athiests how do you explain that we have to make websites for mobile, then...

    ??? Different operating systems, genius.
  12. O

    Proof christianity, islam and judaism?

    If they didn't fulfill a purpose, they wouldn't exist. When they cease to fulfill a purpose, they will cease to exist. So apparently they still fulfill enough of a purpose for various people that they still exist. If you need proof, I don't have any; it would never occur to me to offer you...
  13. O

    Is it sick for someone to laugh at Christ on the cross?

    I would say that it would be disturbing for anyone to laugh at ANYONE being crucified. It's a horrible form of death.
  14. O

    Was disfellowshipping practiced in the first century Christian congregation?

    How should I know? I'm old, but I'm not THAT old.
  15. O

    What is a fun way to destroy my iPhone 5?

    Just attempt to use it. In my years of experience working with iPhones, that seems to be all that's necessary to get them to break ;-)