Recent content by OpenMike

  1. O

    Why do apologists only invoke the underdetermination of scientific theories...

    Whereas atheists are always forthcoming and completely rational in their presentation of "the facts". Funny how the thousands of proofs of the Bible are dismissed to the point of insanity, but yet you still believe in your completely biased super-heroes of the atheistic faith
  2. O

    Christians we are not to judge so how do we correct sin?

    We don't judge motives of the heart - that's where Christians go wrong so often. But the outward action, we can see and we can judge when it's not in line with what's revealed.
  3. O

    pop quiz p&s: what is ?-100..?

    Please - don't act superior because somebody told you some trick answer. I don't know what the hell 10i means, but when I went to school that symbol meant "square root", and no number times itself can be negative, so I don't know what you're talking about
  4. O

    God is to big for a religion?

    He's made a perfect system - some people feel that He's revealed enough and they have no doubt - others ignore what He's revealed and keep demanding more and more. It always comes down to the heart - what a person thinks about God reveals what's in their heart
  5. O

    Why do atheists insist that Condoms guarantee "Safe sex"?

    ................ said the atheist masquerading as a dumb Christian ............. funny thing is the atheists are so mad, they take the bait
  6. O

    Why do some get upset when we discuss sexual relationships within a family,

    *remind* Well, family is sacred and having sex with them is sick