Recent content by OldGoat

  1. O

    Where does the left get their historical facts from, the fictional and sci-fi...

    ...section of No, Duchess they just blame Bush for everything.
  2. O

    Abraham lincoln's race? That is not correct
  3. O

    Abraham lincoln's race? That is not correct
  4. O

    Is this true Repulsi hurried by pending vacation...?

    Pelosi rushes vote - for Euro vaca There's not much else you can say to describe the agonizing events surrounding this craptastic spending bill other than Nancy Pelosi sucks. This time it's because she rushed the vote on nearly 1,071 page stimulus so she can jet off to Europe. Not only have...
  5. O

    Have you noticed the similarities between Obama and Lincoln? For instance,...

    Barack has more in common with Castro than Lincoln
  6. O

    Why do Republicans say they are against taxes, yet whine when a Democrat...

    Dude, forgetting to pay your taxes is not a deduction it's a crime. Slow down on the kool-aid
  7. O

    What will Obama think about Iran putting a Satellite into orbit?
  8. O

    Iran put Satellite into orbit any thoughts?
  9. O

    Obama chose an Arabic satellite TV network for his first formal television

    Obama is attempting to deceive the deceivers. Get ready for the shit to really hit the fan.
  10. O

    Are computers the hot rod of the day, With people always looking to make...

    ...theirs more powerful and....? faster than everyone else? I know it's not a polical question but the trolls are coming
  11. O

    How about an internet tax $100 a month if you can't afford it you can't surf...

    ...the net? Who is with me? No qovernment freebies cold hard cash Lucky you just proved great minds think alike and a lot fewer idiots
  12. O

    I have the same problem -- quite annoying. The other program is Internet...

    ...Explorer. I use Firefox!? My os is XP SP2, my e-mail software is Eudora and my browser of choice is Firefox. I never use MS Internet Explorer but somehow, linking from Eudora to Firefox causes 'the other program," Internet Explorer to start up with a blank page. Once I close that, it...