Recent content by OIFUSMCVET

  1. O

    Ramadan: Don't you find it funny when Iraqis are racist?

    I actually met Iraqis, they are not racist. They actually are very hospitable, big feasts, sitting and talking, hookah and etc. Most of all majority are big victims right now, everything destroyed, displaced, family killed, and war torn country, which is now run by many different groups...
  2. O

    What is better than sex?

    Money, it can buy anything and everything.
  3. O

    Israel and Iran???????

    Well, Israel's Netanyahu is wanting war pretty badly, he said he will attack within months. Well the American people will vote against fighting a war for him and his people. Our soldiers have sacrificed too much, we will focus only on the U.S. from now on. Israel is the reason we are in...
  4. O

    Which religion matches my beliefs?

    According to Muslims, anyone can go to heaven if they live a life of peace and morals. If you are kind to people, fair to people, show respect, treat everyone with respect, help people that are poor, give to the needy, hospitality, etc etc good values you can earn a place regardless of your...
  5. O

    Which celebrities support Israel?

    Most likely all the Jewish ones in Hollywood. Including Stephen Speilberg, Adam Sandler, etc etc etc etc So, not only is Amerca hijacked but so is Hollywood. The ones that do not support Israel are afraid to come out and condemn it since they could very well lose movie contracts.
  6. O

    Americans: Brainwashed Zionists or just Simple-minded Fools?

    The problem is AIPAC, JDL, ADL does not have a major influence as it does in the U.S. I mean you should have seen the results of backing Israel in the U.S. Congress recently. Let's just say US congress votes to back Israel The sad part: 390 votes say yay 22 members of the House who voted...
  7. O

    Americans: Brainwashed Zionists or just Simple-minded Fools?

    The problem is AIPAC, JDL, ADL does not have a major influence as it does in the U.S. I mean you should have seen the results of backing Israel in the U.S. Congress recently. Let's just say US congress votes to back Israel The sad part: 390 votes say yay 22 members of the House who voted...
  8. O

    What do you think the future holds for the children of Gaza?

    Do you feel sad, upset, angry etc. or happy, cheer it, smile at their losses etc.? How do you feel inside? What would you like to do?
  9. O

    Why did Israel attack a humanitarian aid boat from delivering aid to Gaza today?

    Just saw it on the news. Read the article and then comment.
  10. O

    israeli atttacks..............?

    What can you really do you know? Boycott goods/companies that fund Israel maybe? Write to congressmen, senators, and put influence of some sort. Ask for removal of lobbyist groups such as AIPAC or JDL as they have squandered billions of dollars in U.S. tax payer money to Israel? You can do it...
  11. O

    save the jews shut the muslims up 4 good they want to kill every 1 who not muslim ?

    These types of questions are reported, it's funny that when you report this, Yahoo answers does not remove it, yet they keep questions like this up and ones that ask of killing Palestinians. Remove the hate filled question please.
  12. O

    Islam Is Taking Over!?

    And folks here you have it, by the description of this question you are looking at exactly the type of fear that is around some of the population in western nations. these are your true causes as to why there are iraq and afghanistan wars why there is racism why there is prejudice why there...