Recent content by NowNow

  1. N

    Do you think the present Hermione had an idea it was the future Hermione,

    and didn't make a fuss? In the third book. She'd been using the time turner all year. So when she heard a twig snap outside Hagrid's cabin, she might have seen her future self but ignored it.
  2. N

    is the lion king intro the most epic disney achievement ever?

    What do they show? Waaaaa simenya?
  3. N

    Humanoid creatures for a short story?

    Garden gnomes.
  4. N

    B&A: Shall we play a dialogue scavenger hunt? +BQ's, of course?

    My name is Ahab. Today mother died!! In Russia it snows in the Summer.
  5. N

    how do i find out if any guys are interested in me?

    Hang out in places where there are lots of boys.
  6. N

    Connery/Moore Bond theme songs - what rings your bell and why?

    All Time High is my favourite. All of them are. You only live twice is good too.
  7. N

    I cannot stand Roger Federer, what about you?

    It really does not matter to him what you feel.
  8. N

    Have you seen the SA Tour promo on Star Sports where a tattooed motorcycle...

    ...bear says 'Und faack'? Is India? getting und faacked in South Africa? I'm just writing from the sound, don't know what the actual words are.
  9. N

    name some good sci fi books / series?

    Star Trek.
  10. N

    Do other people understand your sense of humour?

    My God you've got to believe these people. Sometimes I think I should have subtitles for my speech.
  11. N

    Roger's nose is big and his arms asymmetrical(right greater than left haha)?

    Well obviously he uses his right hand to wank. And you know what they say about guys with big noses.
  12. N

    Is Dick Trickle a funny name in your opinion...?

    What, what? What do the stars say?
  13. N

    How is it that it's always the celebs who have all the afflictions?

    Autism, anorexia, dylexia, scientology, OD.
  14. N

    How is it that it's always the celebs who have all the afflictions?

    Autism, anorexia, dylexia, scientology, OD.