Recent content by noodle

  1. N

    Why would a Christian say that Christ is their central focus, rather than what he...

    ...taught? If a person wanted you to know something, would you -occupy yourself only with trying to understand how this person came to this conclusion rather than - acknowledge the teaching is the first option not a fallacy? (appeal to authourity)
  2. N

    Starting my GNC total lean shake diet tmrw, any tips?

    I used it before when I don't have time to prepare my food. It worked for me, very satisfying. My only concern is the taste with just water. But you still have to eat healthy foods. Don't just drink it the whole day.
  3. N

    Please do not answer with anti-Christ answers. Do secular Christians

    still go to heaven? I go to a public high school. Im about to join the Navy. And I do and have done worldly things that i know i can stop like drinking and stuff but i really dont want to. I know i should give anything distancing myself from God over to him but Im having a hard time with it and...
  4. N

    Is there any demented, scary haunted house, or ghost hunting MMORPG's out there?

    I'm looking for a terrifying, spirit hunting game, or one that has spirits in it, and haunted houses or something. I want to find something that me and my Boyfriend can play together. I've unfortunately not come across anything like this. (Here are some of the games I've played that I've not...
  5. N

    I have just got the Sony Ericsson x10i and i do not know how to delete messages?

    I have just got the sony ericsson x10i (not the mini) and i wondered how do you delete the messages off it? i have read the instructions book and it does not give me any idea how to do it. Also, does the phone have a flash on the camera and if so how do you get it to work? Thank you!
  6. N

    how do you start an introduction for the salvation army?

    I am writing a paper on the Salvation Army and i need help starting the introduction. this is for Economics and i really need help doing the whole intro paragraph
  7. N

    How do i get pics fro my lg viewty onto my computer.!?

    I got my phone at christmas but no USB cable came with it so i ordered one yesterday so it came and its just not working i did not get a disc or anything please help with easy steps xxxxx
  8. N

    Question about the GNC Gold card?

    I have a GNC Gold card and I can use it whenever I want. It's good for one year. But I also live in Canada. It gives me a lower price on stuff I buy there. I don't understand why you can't use it other days of the month.
  9. N

    how do you set the time on a 2006 chrysler town and country?

    i just got this car and i cant figure out how to set the time on it please help! thanks
  10. N

    Blackberry or PDA, which is best?

    The BlackBerry is king in many areas, from how it handles email, to the security features. RIM used to be mainly business focussed, but now they are more involved in the consumer market. They are great devices, I suggest you get one :) I have an 8520.
  11. N

    would you forgive your brother, if he had sexually assualted you?

    Hard to answer unless its happened to you. I would like to think I would have nothing to do with them.
  12. N

    Pregnant woman refused service in a pub?

    I think they were wrong, she wasnt not drinking heavily. Its not illegal for a pregnant women to drink, Lots of women do alot worse while pregnant. I feel really sorry for, must have been so embarrssing. Oh and it wasnt just her, her and her friends had to leave. The member of staff is now being...
  13. N

    How do u get a dead fish out of your hair?

    just don't ask