Recent content by NolanM

  1. N

    "A-Level is _______" Thread.

    haha i was just exploring(?) ihav threads nd there were lots of RESULT threads..... so just wondering,,,, what’s your advice for y9 student ? (something funny please, perhaps?) can you describe it in 1 sentence ?? :) this is NOT a SERIOUS thread. I DO NOT mean ACTUAL advice, i just want to...
  2. N

    Is she pretty?

    Tappable but not GF material :)
  3. N

    Rolls not Buns!

    LOL! yeah I've had it when I was in Indo and we can get it here... but seeing as how they tied in the civet cat directly to the SAR's outbreak here in China and other places... the last thing I want to wash down is a cup of civet poop coffee.
  4. N

    Fist Fighting tips?

    Friends as back up down the street in trucks. Keep it even until his friends jump in. Do you really think he is willing to go to jail for 10+ years just for your scrawny little ass. Probably not, its just talk. Welcome to high school but on that rare case it just might happen. Some people are...
  5. N

    Abortion is Wrong

    Uh... yes? I suppose it just comes down to opinion. In the same way you are fine with the state paying for abortions (as am I), I feel fathers should pay for their children whether they wanted them or not, so I'm fine with the CSA.
  6. N

    Ban the last poster before you post

    brat for always picking her nose and eating it.
  7. N

    "Kill me, Kill me."

    "Kill me, Kill me." This coming from someone from Belfast I find laughable. If England took kids away for 6 years without charge during the troubles would you have been ok about that? The Bear.
  8. N

    math question of the day

    Does fence length need to be a whole number? (e.g. 50ft vs. 50.4ft.)
  9. N

    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    Of course human milk is kosher - babies drink it! And of course human meat isn't!
  10. N

    What would be your dream job?

    lolz am struggling with ma engineering so a doubt a could do both degrees :) and whats not to love with traveling around the world and getting paid to do it some amazing places out there that just take your breath away
  11. N

    Is Global Warming a myth?

    I disagree. We have tested a hugh number of nukes, some have been huge, with out screwing up the entire planet. People still live on or near the Japenese nuke sites, Chernobyl is now a natural wonderland for all creatures apart from humans (of which some do live there illegally and are not...
  12. N

    Old Usernames

    I used to be Mordekai the Dancing Yiddish Clown.
  13. N

    Global Warming

    You don't need to be a climatologist in order to read the Club Of Romes statements. You don't need to be a climatologist in order to understand water vapour has a FAR greater effect as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, it really is simple numbers. However if you will not respond to my...
  14. N

    Princess Di a Superhero?

    That's pretty low... I'm pretty appalled... That just shows how some people care about great famous dead people...They don't...