Recent content by nokeekon

  1. N

    Best mobile for under $150AUD?

    They do do ????? Australia, just pick english english or american english. When you sign up Australia is mentioned. Free 'till 2008 I believe.
  2. N

    In this thread we are English

    brb bein pasty white
  3. N

    how many people..

  4. N

    worst thing that could possibly be said during sex

    "That wasn't there last time.."
  5. N

    Bush agenda would boost government

    Here is a link to the article. I thought Republicanism was about smaller government and delegating state responsibility to them? Thought?
  6. N

    What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

    So many things are wrong with this...
  7. N

    so my psp almost got stolen today

    Kid, you're digging yourself a hole. See the suit and the signs? That's dangerous. 8th grade science is not.
  8. N

    how long did it take you to get this???

    You're what? oo burniniatoned.
  9. N

    Help! PUPS!

    Oh I was a bit late again. So how much have you earned from sales?
  10. N

    What do you want to be when u grow up?

    I have been jumping around all over the place, but I am probably going to be doing something with computers.
  11. N

    The Whats on my mind thread

    1) Selling the old house. The first buyer backed out, but we have a second offer (and a chance for a third) 2) Learning the new job. 3) Buying a new house. We think we've found one we like, but want (1) settled before we get too far. 4) Scouting out the local martial art scene, figuring out...
  12. N

    stripper girlfriends?

    Lies! Every stripper is a 23 year old college student. The thing is; if she takes her clothes off for money what else will she do? A buddy of mine knows the DJ at a strip club; so he just goes in there and talks to the girls with no money involved, and you would not believe how much some girls...
  13. N

    Back to the gold standard

    Just fleshing it out a bit Hayek was a friend of Keynes as well.Just trying to show that these guys aren't particularly pleasant. Back to economics it'll be interesting to see what Ben does later today and what effect it has , more QE?
  14. N

    Obama and Netanyahu

    Osu, Arrgggghhhh! Imprecision, out of context, bias induced from the sequence in which the names are read. Public opinion produces the numbers you want them to produce. Look at Germany: it appears at 90% confidence for Obama to do the right thing... Yet, given the chance, Merkel would...
  15. N

    Wild accussation

    TheSilv3r gets letters and numbers mixed up.