Recent content by NinoF

  1. N

    In what order were these religions created, from oldest to newest?

    I agree with Laptop Jesus 100% on this.
  2. N

    Are there any atheists out there, besides myself, who think religion can...

    It isn't a question of "can". They are.
  3. N

    What do you tell a child who questions the logic of religion?

    Teach him skeptical and critical thinking. Tell him to check the logic behind statements. That should enable him to make up his own mind when he is mature enough to cross that line.
  4. N

    who else doesn't believe in religion?

    Me. Although I do differ on your view of the bible. It contains a lot of evil.
  5. N

    Why in almost all the countries, where Muslims are in minorities, they

    Why in almost all the countries, where Christians are in minorities, they always complain about persecution ? And why they embrace extremism so easily ?
  6. N

    Why in almost all the countries, where Muslims are in minorities, they

    Why in almost all the countries, where Christians are in minorities, they always complain about persecution ? And why they embrace extremism so easily ?
  7. N

    why do you think that so many minorities are christian when that is the

    Hey, after all the bible includes a handbook about slavery! Its the perfect religion to keep the "lower" classes in their place... (And I think that was the reason the romans accepted it as their state religion back under Constantin)
  8. N

    is narnia not based on the bible and religion?

    Very mutch so. Especially the last book in the series.... I decided its not suitable for kids after reading that piece of propaganda....
  9. N

    If religion is the opium for the masses, should religious education have... minimum age restriction? After all, you have to be 18 to buy tobacco where I com from and 16 to get a beer in a pub. I believe you must even be 21 in some states in the US! If religion is a drug, shouldn't government ensure, that kids under the AGWof, say 18, don't get any exposure to it?
  10. N

    Should atheism be classified as a form of religion by the definition of religion ?

    No. All I can say is: not collecting stamps isn't a hobby.....
  11. N

    Why can I criticize some ones politics, but not his religion?

    If I meet a marxist, communist or nazi, then I can ridicule and condemn his political opinion any way I want to and try to humble him in a debate with facts and figures. And as long as neither party resorts to violence, it's socially ok and acceptable. If I try to do the same about some ones...
  12. N

    Do Cut guys tend to be more ticklish on their dick than Uncut guys?

    I have noticed that cut guys are more ticklish on their dicks than uncut guys... are cut guys more ticklish than uncut or does it depend on the guy?
  13. N

    Question about religions...?

    Use google, wikipedia and get some books through amazon (or at your local bookshop) Its a big research challenge. I 'wouldn't suggest talking to hard liners from a religion before you know a bit about them. People try to "sell" the easy points in their believe and ignore the problem areas. So...