Recent content by nikigirl

  1. N

    Difficult Languages

    **ducking from Anything** I think your right on there Yoda!!
  2. N

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Ban the Brat for practising necromancy!
  3. N

    Clique 09

    How are you? :puppyeyes:
  4. N

    If you owned any country in the world..

    japan cause i would get all the hot japense honeys
  5. N

    When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

    i got a charizard once.....i ran around my house for so long screaming "CHARIZARD! I GOT A CHARIZARD!" Then my older brother ripped me off by tradinging me his Mew Two and like 30 other shit cards
  6. N

    Mobile phones

    hi, 1) unlocked means its open to all UK networks so you can use it on orange, t-mobile vodafone, bt etc.....i think all of them exept that new '3' network 2)Yes - many shops sell simcards seperatly i think you can pick them up for under a tenner (pay as you go) 3) Without a simcard the phone...
  7. N

    Pizza: New York vs. Chicago

    Italian pizza is the best they brought it over to the USA in the first place!
  8. N

    parents and non parents.

    Way to miss the point. That's not what I was getting at at all.
  9. N

    Random funny story.

    Got my own. Walking through the red light district in Amsterdam (my brother and his wife live there, ok!) and a really shady looking guy comes up to me. He has lots of bulges in his coat and he goes "psssst - want some smoke, joints, uppers, tabs, ..... viagra?" I couldn't stop laughing...
  10. N

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    senior picture aaand wendy's is awesome. i look extra short here.
  11. N

    just look at this

    Yeah I seen that before...the Korean guy arranging sand? It's pretty cool
  12. N

    US embassies attacked Show me a period of Isolationism. America from it's very inception have worked to build it's international influence. The Bear.
  13. N

    Wild accussation

    Fish of Doom made the text smaller on my browser
  14. N

    Bin Laden death

    So you think its ok to breach an allies airspace and land troops in its land and start a firefight without informing them? Pakistan has done a lot to support the US in its war on terror, that does seem to have been forgotten in this bloody frenzy some yanks have gotten themselves wound up into.
  15. N

    someone threatened mccain; white powder found

    its common knowledge that McCain is a coke fiend more like MccokeCain