Recent content by Nightrider

  1. N

    views on drug users

    The argument that drugs are acceptable because severe misuse of alcohol is equally harmful is the most bizarre logic. Think about the dose-response curve of, say, beer against heroin, LSD or Ecstasy. You can go to the pub and have a civilized couple of pints with your friends; it's not possible...
  2. N

    Look at the baby pandas....

    That's funny Cosmic, but slightly cruel????
  3. N

    Near Death Experiences

    I tried to feed myself to my dog once.
  4. N

    Biggest pool ever made

    damn, 115 ft deep.
  5. N

    The Big Cat Thread

    I don't need to. It's the truth. Almost all new cheetah mothers lose their entire first litter and thereafter only succeed in raising 1 or 2 cubs out of a possible 6 cubs if they succeed at all. When a cub is near maturity the mother simply abandons it irrespective of how capable it is at...
  6. N

    Alfa Romeo GTV ecu eprom dump.?

    Hello, I desperately need the content of the eprom in the ecu unit for a alfa romeo GTV 2.0 ecu type: 0 261 203 869
  7. N

    Alfa Romeo GTV ecu eprom dump.?

    Hello, I desperately need the content of the eprom in the ecu unit for a alfa romeo GTV 2.0 ecu type: 0 261 203 869
  8. N

    Intraracial Relationships

    You're lucky they can't hang you for treason anymore.
  9. N

    Follow-Up To My Dad Just Bitches

    i'm thinking the name romantic is not very fitting...
  10. N

    contractors jailed for letting blind man build bridge.

    lol Building a bridge requires a lot of tasks (in the design and the construction) to be done within very tight tolerances... otherwise... as Slip said... the whole thing falls down and everybody on the bridge dies
  11. N

    Frog Fu

    He was definitely doing some pressups at the end there too.
  12. N

    Paris Hilton out.

    Bwah ha ha ha! They'd better take her shoe laces, dont want to give her an easy escape. Now who do I have to sleep with to be put in charge of inserting the feeding tube?
  13. N

    Teenager Uses Echolocation

    His eyes where REMOVED......