Recent content by ncisrocks498

  1. N

    What breeds would compare to this dog? (based on looks and temperment and other

    things)? Well we found the perfect dog for us....and well she is our dog. Problem is she doesn't have a breed. She is a mutt. But when we consider future dogs we want a dog like her. She is perfect for us in everyway. We love the way she looks...she is so sleek and beautiful. We love...
  2. N

    How much would a road trip from Northern Alabama to St. Augustine to Orlando and...

    ...back cost? Okay we are thinking of taking a road trip this summer. We are leaving from the Alabama/Tennessee line We plan to drive down to St. Augustine Florida and spend 2 days there and then drive to Orlando and spend 3 days there. 2 days to go to disney and 1 day to go to Universal...
  3. N

    I just found out that my dogs old vet never did a heartworm test on him! Why?

    My dog is a year and a half old and I just found out he never had a heartworm test done. The old vet just put him on the preventative. Arent they supposed to always test the dog before putting him on the preventative I have had my dog since we was 9 Weeks Old. Why didn't they give him the...
  4. N

    What kind of puppy do you want?

    I want a Dalmatian, I have always wanted one......and my husband told me today when we have a bigger place and a yard and our current dogs are a bit older he will get me one. (he kind of wants one too) (It will be an inside dog) That is what I want
  5. N

    Looking to see a clip or episode online of American Chopper?

    I know someone who was on one of the episodes who worked closely with them and wanted to pull it up and see it. It was the JR/Sn Military bike episode Season 4 Episode 4 I've searched on Youtube and it wasn't there is there another place to find it?
  6. N

    Pain that comes and goes....seeing doc after holiday but does this sound like?

    Okay for the last 4 months I've had pain that comes and goes mostly in my right lower abdomen/pelvic area. It had been starting a few days after my period ended but this time it started 3 days ago (4 days before my period was due) sometimes it jumps and I feel is in my left side. I feel...
  7. N

    am I getting this right....dogs and benedryl (for our trip)?

    First of all I talked to the vet. And they said to do this. They said they could have 1 milligram per pound. And we have the childrens chewables. They are a 12.5 milligram tab. So that means our terrier mix (25 pounds) could handle up to 2 tabs and our poodle who is 11 pounds could have 1...
  8. N

    Why does always seem that the dog owners who are responsible and pick up...

    ...after their dogs.....? are always the ones to step in dog poop? Sometimes I think we are the only ones in our Apartment Complex who clean up after their dogs. Which is the law. But we are always stepping in big dog poop when we are cleaning up after our dogs and taking it to the pet...
  9. N

    do you think my dog will always look like a puppy?

    I constantly have people coming up to me and asking "How old is your lab puppy?" Well she isn't a lab and she is almost a year old.... Do you think people will always see her as a puppy or do you think as she gets older and matures people will be able to tell...... She is done growing....oh...
  10. N

    Be many hours a day does your dog spend alone?

    Honest answers please..... Fact: The average dog owning family leaves the dog home around 8 hours a day.....the typical work day is 7 and half hours as is the typical school day.....No decent breeder will sell and no rescue will adopt out to a unemployed person with no income......It takes a...
  11. N

    Is it normal for my dog....?

    Okay serious question....I'm wondering if she could have some kind of infection Is it normal for my females dogs girl part to kind of stick out (I have had 2 female dogs other than her but both were poodles and theres really didn't look like that I think) could she have some kind of...
  12. N

    They say dogs have a sixth sense...well what is it?

    Us people have 5 senses but they say dogs have six senses what are there 6 senses
  13. N

    If my dog had puppy's and 6 of them died but 2 lived will they be effected?

    How old is your dog....also this is a good question for your mention Parvo...did the other puppies die of parvo? I'd get to the vet have the dog checked out and ask lots of questions....if the other puppies had parvo your dog very well could have parvo
  14. N

    If my dog had puppy's and 6 of them died but 2 lived will they be effected?

    How old is your dog....also this is a good question for your mention Parvo...did the other puppies die of parvo? I'd get to the vet have the dog checked out and ask lots of questions....if the other puppies had parvo your dog very well could have parvo
  15. N

    Spay/neuter.....when is the best time to do it?

    Okay the question is: Do you have your dog spayed/neutered at the recommended 6 months of age or do you wait until your dog is older and grown? Do you feel its best they go through a first heat cycle or not? I hear things like this a lot.....both my dogs were spayed/neutered pretty early...