Recent content by Nav

  1. Nav

    Disney on Ice - The Little Mermaid.

    Chimp, you think way too much! She obviously skates on her fins!
  2. Nav

    Good things about Islam?

    Personally, I think Orientalism Revisited is in many ways superior. - Matt
  3. Nav

    Favorite ORIGINAL Super Smash Bros. Character

    Jesus, give him a break.
  4. Nav

    SPLIT: Swastikas

    completly untrue. there are very organized groups out there who are taking real action in the streets. granted, not everybody taking part in the discussion is a true believer but there are enough to be worried about. the major problem we presently are experiencing is these groups are playing...
  5. Nav

    Perpetual Energy

    He he, this idea has been presented in Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories some years ago
  6. Nav

    Instaling root certificate to Symbian Phone, how long?

    I'm installing HelloOX2 to my Nokia 5230, (It's a program to hack the istem so you wont need for certificates apps and games) and it's installing for more then an hour now, I wonder if that's normal? or is it stuck? i should cancel and try again? anyone installed it before to a symbian phone...
  7. Nav

    where is the good in the world

    wtf is
  8. Nav

    i used nokia software updater to update my old n95 today and it crashed. what can i

    do to get it working again? well now my n95 doesnt get recognised by the pc and the n95 doesnt load up except it does show nokia when switched on and stays on it. what can i do to fix it or is it dead?
  9. Nav

    Making some tees, help me pick text.

    idgaf Are you selling them?
  10. Nav

    UK Parachuting

    Id be well up for that, i leave near to you aswell it would seem wanted to sky dive for years just never got around to it.
  11. Nav

    New PM

    Well, it's all academic now as he's got the job anyway! What next, Salman Rushdie as ambassador to Iran? That tiny issue of invading Iraq based on completely fictitious WMD allegations. Mate, how can anyone think you can just conveniently ignore the whole Iraq issue with regard to the middle...
  12. Nav

    Nice day ive had.

    That's a wide generalisation to make. Not all China Town areas are trouble. You get problems with drugs in all communities. How old is your son? I would be quite concerned if my children ever witnessed anything like this what ever their age. How exactly is showing him a rehab unit...
  13. Nav

    American Armed Forces Pretend War is a Video Game

    Kidding...Cant pay me enough to go back there.
  14. Nav

    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    granted, but then when your taking it over to your seat you spill it "there" and no you can't have babies I wish I ruled the world.