Recent content by NachoNachoNachoMan

  1. N


    The majority of ST lives in $500,000 houses in the suburbs. Most of them have played and have droped $1000's of dollars on it. Do you really think anyone here knows anything about gangs?
  2. N

    Funny ebay ad

  3. N

    So how was your day?

    Says the guy that was crying that he came inside his girl. I might be an idiot, but you sir lack some serious common sense.
  4. N


    Fuck you. Those look awesome, if you don't think so then :tdown: to you.
  5. N

    this man is an idiot

    what a douche.
  6. N

    !!!iphone imob code!!!?

    can everyone add me then post their code for imob please mine is 173491030
  7. N

    samsung sgh-j600 help?

    when my uncle on his nokia 6263 sends me a picture (he took himself) i resived it but it comes up with a question mark and i cant view it ,,, he sends it to other phones and it comes up fine ,,, any help