Recent content by myugenjin

  1. M

    Poll: Have you ever been electricuted?

    I've been shocked by a tazer, modding an xbox, & put on my azz by sticking 2 butter knives in the electrical socket. (i was 4 and thought it'd make me into Frankenstein)
  2. M

    Why is it not advised to trade Forex via handheld devices like iPhone?

    Yeah but packet sniffing takes allot of work. If someone were to use a few hotspots that'd pose virtually no real risk right? I can imagine a Forex broker thinking about the millionaire who visits his daily coffee shop, not wanting them to be jeopardized but anyone else shouldn't be a real issue...
  3. M

    Can you think of any Famous people who no longer look good anymore?

    I just looked up Isabella Rosselini who now looks like a man and Isabelle Adjani who now looks like a she-man :( If Monica Belucci goes this route im gonna die! lololol lololol
  4. M

    Quiz: The Diagonal Test? Your sun, moon, and mercury?

    Aries Gemini Aries You are Meticulous You are smart, clever, and perceptive. You know how to synthesize and process information. You notice every detail, and you are good at finding inconsistencies. Nothing slips by you. You often see things that other people never notice. When you imagine...
  5. M

    Quiz: What should be on your bucket list? Your sign and any relevant placements?

    You Should Climb Mount Everest More than anything else right now, you need an adventure. You need to push yourself and see what you're made of. You feel like your life has been stagnant for too long. You think it would be good to get away from it all. You need that change in perspective that...
  6. M

    Quiz: What kind of heel are you? Your sign?

    Aries You Are a Chunky Heel Is that what fatt chix wear? :p
  7. M

    What award should you win (quiz) and what's your Sun, Ascendant, Mars and Midheaven?

    You Should Win the Nobel Prize You are merciful and forgiving. You believe most people deserve second chances. Your passion fuels you. Your fire for everything and everyone burns brightly. You get results, especially when a pet cause is involved. You can always find a little extra motivation...
  8. M

    How long do you think an Aries/Cancer relationship would last?

    In days months or years? princesa check ya email
  9. M

    Should I Return To The Horoscopes Chat Room?

    I wouldn't! I'm still on the fence about creating a xat chatroom but it would be only for my closest friends considering the legality of the sh!t we'd talk about! I think Rondo has a chatroom!
  10. M

    Horoscopes QUIZ: Do You Kiss Like a Man or a Woman?

    You Kiss Like a Man For you, kissing is a very sexual act. It's all about physical attraction. You tend to take the lead with kissing. If you're attracted to someone, you want to kiss as soon as possible. You prefer aggressive kisses. You like to test limits and see where a kiss goes. Kissing...