Recent content by myrtle

  1. M

    sprint apple iphone 5 5s 5c 4 4s factory unlock service?

    Anyone getting this service done? I need my sprint apple iphone factory unlocked but reliable and trustworthy people please
  2. M

    Will Humpty Dumpty outlast religion?

    He was an egg that fell off a wall.
  3. M

    Why don't you introduce yourself?

    As for me, I'm Myrtle and I'm a Turtle.
  4. M

    Why do most humans care about animals more than other humans?

    Spiritually speaking of course.
  5. M

    What has happened to sport?

    As a youngster (like many others), I couldn't wait for Saturday - pull on the footy boots, have a jumper thrown at you in the shed and get into it. Money and media and our selfish grab for both have destroyed many great games. What has happened to sport?
  6. M

    Why do Muslims and Christians wear funny clothes and hats?

    Like a Circus clown?
  7. M

    Is a guy gay if he uses products for his face?

    no, that just means he cares about his appearance.. i sell mary kay & we have great products for men.. let him know =]
  8. M

    Survey; What would you do ?

    depends on what the pjs look like and where you're going
  9. M

    What if their was a secret celeb on dis website?

    i bet you cant guess who i am though....
  10. M

    Are you fed up with the current lot of Hollywood stars?

    totally...those actors have been around fo ages and the worst part is they'e not all great's time for some new blood