Recent content by MyraF

  1. M

    how to play mini DVD-R disk on computer?

    i used a videocamera to record a video that i can't figure out how to watch! and it's really upsetting to have this whole video on my mini dvd-r and i don't know how to play it on the computer! the computer doesn't even recognize it. help me pleaseee.
  2. M

    what time does seating start for american idol? what time should i be at the... center for the show? my dad says that seating starts at 1:30 but i still have to go to school. i seriously wanna go really bad i read somewhere else it starts an hour before the show. i needa know if i can still make it. its tomoro so please help!
  3. M

    what exactly dus a typical wango tango concert look like? (at verizon

    amphitheater: irvine)? this is my first time at wango tango much less the verizon amphitheater. so are there chairs? is the audience just a bunch of ppl standing or is it like a movie theater? like a sports game? i needa know what to bring like a lawn chair or somthing to be preparedd
  4. M

    Any advice on new good texting verizon phones?

    im getting a new phone from verizon and i dont know which phone to get, specifically im looking for a good NEW and good for TEXTING phone. im really lookn for the texting phones. help! advice!
  5. M

    When your on this section; do you hope to rant with people you agree with, or

    Neither. I come here to fight against both the purposeful and the ignorant distortions.
  6. M

    Former deputy PM's prediction about global warming shows up a decade later --

    We have to get away from oil and coal. We also need to look at adapting to the climate change.
  7. M

    Why do democrats complain about money then vote democrats into office

    Is there pending legislation right now to increase anyone's taxes? And when there is, the top 5% need to be made to cough up a fair share, and those who do not use US citizens for their labor be made to pay higher taxes. I do not mind paying taxes. I do mind having it spent on a war to line...
  8. M

    i think i might be interested in politics??? help?

    You have a while yet before you need to decide on your life's work.
  9. M

    How will the American Survive not being able to charge the newest gadget?

    It is long past time that we all learned to live without credit cards.
  10. M

    did hollywood win the presidency or did barack obama?

    President Obama won the election via the majority vote of the people. I am sorry if you do not like it. It stands whether you attempt to minimize it or not.
  11. M

    I like him and all, but whats with this whole comparison to Lincoln thing? ?

    He admires Lincoln a great deal. He is not comparing himself to Abe. And think about it~ the president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation which led to Obama's presidency. It's fitting.
  12. M

    If Republicans are "pro-life", then why do they whine because they aren't

    Good question! Guess some believe that once all those non-aborted children whom they whine about having to pay taxes to support via welfare may cross their lawns.
  13. M

    what celebrity do i look most like?& 1-10?

    just a random question im curious about. or u can rate me 1-10 picture:
  14. M

    Anyone who believes in 9/11 Conspiracy is mentally challenged . Agree or disagree?

    Well, considering that Al Qaeda conspired to terrorize the US in the manner that they did on 9/11/01, no. I believe that Bush, at the very least, disregarded the level of threat from Al Qaeda, as he was focused on Iraq. Anything beyond that, who knows?