Recent content by my_ducati996

  1. M

    Ghost Fighting!!!

    Yeh!!! i wonder if he sleeps like that?!! feel sorry for the wife... I hope he was ok though!
  2. M

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

  3. M

    Dangerous Dog Act

    Sadly the penalties for cruelty to animals in this country are pretty drippy. Apparently you can be jailed for up to five years for animal cruelty but in practice you tend to see slightly lame sentences like a ban from keeping animals for 18 months plus occasionally a short suspended sentence.
  4. M

    26 cheerleaders + you stuck in an elevator

    I dont know, i googled pedobear for gods sake. Ask 4chan why green.
  5. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    uhh... why not get to a physio and get it sorted? If it's as bad as your getting at then you need to get to someone who can give you an accurate assessment and solution to the problem.
  6. M

    God Dammit

    dub dub dub dudda dub dub dub dub dub dub du bdub dudda dub dub dub
  7. M

    ST. I pulled one of these out of my throat last night.

    it is a ball of dried up old sperm.
  8. M

    Using propaganda.

    I gather from those who have participated on this thread that that many are "anti-unjust war." For those people I have these specific questions - Have you seen the videos that are out there on what happens in these executions? Have you seen them more then once and actually watched them closely...
  9. M

    deal or no deal?

    Swing and a miss.
  10. M

    Death penalty

    You've pretty much singlehandedly executed all of Hong Kong. hahahahah. :P
  11. M

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting Are you as ignorant as you pass yourself out to be? Crying is NOT the issue here - nor is it quiting - nor pouting - nor tantrums, nor walking off the mat - and it's not the disrespectful way they acted toward the opponent, ref, judges, parents, etc. None of these...
  12. M

    Validating critical opinion

    Yeah that's what I was getting at. mentioned. The comments on the vid in question WERE by and large coming from a position of experience. I know roughly what a good arm-bar looks like (sadly gone are the days when I could do one with any skill) and I know how to put a portfolio or...
  13. M

    And you guys reckon you play hard.

    This is what we do down here. YouTube- AFL- Australian Rules Football Highlights (Best All Time Goals and Marks)
  14. M

    ST: I bring you the most epic sammich ever.(56k, GTFO)

    all u need is some bacon in it. EDIT: ^^EWWWW sounds gross