Recent content by MreDonnie

  1. M

    What day is your trash pick up?

    Are you planning on going dumpster diving for my leftovers?
  2. M

    Are you required to carry Identification while in a boat in U.S. waters?

    You should always carry identification wherever you go.
  3. M

    Why do people criticize Johnsons reconstruction record when Lincoln was going to do

    No matter what you do, you will never please everyone.
  4. M

    Why do people criticize Johnsons reconstruction record when Lincoln was going to do

    No matter what you do, you will never please everyone.
  5. M

    Does screaming deepen your voice?

    Not if you shriek like a girl.
  6. M

    Are you fearful of the future? I'm scared that I will be a loser and fail at being...

    Your already showing the symptoms of a loser just by asking this question. STOP IT NOW.......................