Recent content by mozart

  1. M

    Would you ever go out with someone on ihav?

    Would you ever go out with someone on TSR? Which is he, the paedo or the 12-year-old? :beard:
  2. M

    Price of drinks.

    LOL one night, me and two of my friends went out after class and had a few drinks at the local bar. We decided to try the "Specialty of the House" that night which was some sort of martini. We had a few each and kept a tab. Our tab was 200.00 and change..... the drinks were 12.50 each...
  3. M

    this forum

  4. M

    Perpetual motion

    Just some thoughts, these may be incorrect: Wouldn't charge leak across the capacitor plates, not a huge problem when the charge is built up fast, but with the charge building up slowly any leaking would empty the charge of the capacitor. Also, surly the diodes only work for the section of wire...
  5. M

    Best comeback evar!

  6. M

    Strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and depression.

    The only thing I know that will break my depression is CAKE. Unfortunately my waistline doesn't care for it too much.
  7. M

    I hate Christmass.

    I love the spirit of the season. Good will toward your fellows. However I hate the mass marketing that begins in early August through early August the following year. Have a great season all. Blessed Be!
  8. M

    Immigration debate

    Would a decent third party help the states at all?
  9. M


    i am tall and blonde and have a massive beard, so people often confuse me for a viking!
  10. M

    US embassies attacked

    Its ridiculous, it reminds me of the Danish cartoon drawing incident. Religion allows people to do bad things. It gives them a feeling of divine right. Though you have to acknowledge the Libyan council condeming the protests citing the sacromony of life. I am yet again saddened that they won't...
  11. M

    $$Most Wanted$$ for ST president!

  12. M

    This Or That.

    tiger cucumber in ass or carrot in peehole
  13. M

    Alright guise!

    i think you need to smoke with cigurettez.
  14. M

    Human swine Influenza

    I was wondering when someone would bring religion into it. In Thailand, a major exporter of pork, the government chooses to call it “North American” flu. In the Jewish community, however, it has been claimed that calling the disease swine flu is offensive to Jews 4. Everyone knows that killer...