Recent content by MouD

  1. M

    Australia Football Player Loses Finger for Love

    Then at the very top of this list would have to be Golf! LOL!
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Was on the bus earlier on. When we got to a stop a guy was on his way off with his push chair. As they came level to me, the little girl in the pram touched my knee and went "buh bye!" with this big beautiful smile. Made my day
  3. M

    Prince Harry in Iraq...or not

    Well they shouldn't stop someone from doing their job just because it's dangerous. You join the Army to train to go to war. That's why the Government invests hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars into every soldier to get them to a deployment. Pulling out because it's dangerous...
  4. M

    Winston Churchill Believed Jews Were Partly Responsible for Antagonism Against Them

    Not trying to derail this thread or throw barbs at the UK, Belgium, France, etc. I have never left the States so my commentary on other countries would be naive at best. I also agree that the Brits have "proof" but of course Iran has "counter proof' and a "confession". But what I don't see...
  5. M

    Hurrah! MAP is back!

    Doh! I meant that, as you're having to ask, no-one actually realised that chat still worked, not that it did or didn't. I totally believe you that it worked, honest!
  6. M

    Thought of the Day

    Sparring someone half your age who is 3 times as good as you is pretty challenging.
  7. M


    Ive done it around the DC area, mainly in a irish pub. Now I hate St. patricks day. Saw a guy trying to tackle a parking meter at 9am, now I just stay in on the 17th and read the police log online
  8. M

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

  9. M

    Where to draw the line?

    After a thread in the BJJ section was derailed I figure it's best to strip out the posts and the start another thread since it's one that people obviously had strong feelings about. Note the following posts below: * this is a response to icefields comment about being a racist...
  10. M

    Quitting the internet

    guilty as charged
  11. M

    damn homie

    nigga mewzuc
  12. M

    Best Decision You Ever Made

    Good Call :D Not sure what mine is yet. Guess i'll find out in due course.
  13. M

    Was the Holocaust the worst thing to have ever happened?

    Japanese atrocities in china in WWII would come close, as would Mao's purges. Dont really know who killed more of their own people, Communist Russia or Communist China.
  14. M

    Designing/Constructing a Building Project

    Pringles Can Fleshlight.
  15. M

    Abstinance Only Programs

    (Fingers in ears) Blah blah blah I can't hear you