Recent content by Morganie4

  1. M

    Many people* will give praise to Judaism and Islam, for its laws on abstaining

    They're doing great on abstaining from pig meat. If only they could abstain from blowing themselves up, now that would be something!
  2. M

    Some animal rights activists will give praise to Judaism and Islam, for its...

    Yes they are handling pig meat beautifully. Now if only they could work on that blowing themselves up part, they'd be great.
  3. M

    Is Psalm 69:20,21 a prophecy about Christ?

    Sounds like it. " (v. 21): They gave me gall for my meat (the word signifies a bitter herb, and is often joined with wormwood) and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. This was literally fulfilled in Christ, and did so directly point to him that he would not say It is finished till this...
  4. M

    Today is Palm Sunday: when Jesus was greeted as king by the same people who

    would call for his death by Friday? What does that say about human nature?
  5. M

    If you lived in a time before your current religion existed...?

    Yahweh created the universe. People were worshiping him since the garden of eden. Therefore no such time existed.
  6. M

    Has religion actually reached public schools? if so, in what states?

    :) We have officially become ignorant of history. Ask your grandmother. People used to be taught to read using the bible in this country as recently as her generation. We need to get some prespective.
  7. M

    Why do adults still think about religion like four year olds?

    When you're four everthing your parents tell you seems like "don't do this" "you're bad" etc. and nothing they say makes any sense and seems so unreasonable. Why are adults content to let this fallacious and elementary understanding of God and religion preclude a deeper, more intimate knowledge...
  8. M

    Gay people: Are you a huge disappointment to your parents? Or were your

    parents OK with it? How do you feel about this? No offense intended, I just am curious :)
  9. M

    You people do know that Abraham Lincoln was a republican right?

    History is something to be rewritten to marxists.
  10. M

    Did anyone else notice that the inauguration and inaugural balls ended up being

    The liberals are 100% hollywood elites! They dance in their bubble while congress rapes us blind with bailouts.
  11. M

    Don't you think Obama was elected because he was a just celebrity in the public eye?

    Obama was hand selected by George Soros. The media (also in Soros's pocket) crucified his political opponents in Illinois by releasing sealed divorce records and airing personal dirty laundry about them right before election time. Kinda like how everybody knows Palin spent $250,000 on wardrobe...
  12. M

    What do you think about the 8 year-old Atheist girl on YouTube who ranted

    "Religion has the genocide of nations!" You know we could call the movie "Atheist Camp" :) edit: Heh this is an actress lol
  13. M

    Why does everyone blame religion for the Jim Jones suicides, when he was a

    political activist and a communist? During the mass-suicide, when members apparently cried, Jones counseled "Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity." At the end of the tape, Jones...
  14. M

    Do you put your hope in humanism? Do you agree that humanism is the...

    ...second oldest "religion" on the planet? It started when Adam and Eve wanted to live in paradise while at the same time rejecting the boundaries of God. They put their own curiosity and their own desires first before the clear command of God. They believed it would lead to their betterment...
  15. M

    What's the diff btw a cult and a religion?

    I think you're being overly simplistic. Here are some helpful characteristics of a real cult: The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law. ...