Recent content by MoonNinja

  1. M

    Christians and others: What is your answer to these riddles?

    1) Suppose that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing watchmaker. This watchmaker starts making a watch. This watchmaker's omniscience permits him to foresee that his current design of the watch will lead it to malfunction, and this watchmaker's omnipotence implies that he is able to design a...
  2. M

    Do people who think that a lack of afterlife argues for callousness have it

    Not much for me to say here but I will throw this in - those of us that believe in an afterlife seem to spend their current life obsessing over how to achieve the "good" afterlife, and of course, the notion of afterlife is rather unjustified. I can't imagine anyone bringing forth any evidence...
  3. M

    ATHEISTS, with the oncoming global economic collapse, how do you not see it as

    With that logic and sound reasoning, my mind is blown.
  4. M

    Can it be argued that simply having sensory perception proves the existence of time?

    I've read a couple arguments concerning our sensory experience, and I agree with the ones that say that sensory perception is merely a representation of reality, that the mind must receive input from our sense to construct an understanding of reality. Yet, the sensory perception would ONLY be a...
  5. M

    Christians, if there were no police what would atheists do?

    You do realize the formation of society and morality is from the unified cooperation of human beings existing in a social group. If there was no law enforcement, we can come together and form a society with law enforcement.
  6. M

    When will atheists wake up and realize that Atheism IS a religion?

    Lack of belief in the tooth fairy must be a religion as well. Afariesm ftw.
  7. M

    Atheists: If you haven't traveled to each and every one of the 17000000000

    When you construct something entirely without evidence from no empirical observation, chances are, you're wrong.
  8. M

    Do gay people go to church ?

    Don't you know that the Christian religion says everyone is a sinner?
  9. M

    why do you choose for atheist and christians?

    Punctuate. Organize into sentences. Coherence.
  10. M

    is there any physics here? someone who can tell me my future?

    you will get pregnant in the near future, and your baby daddy will give you 6 more children after that.
  11. M

    Is it possible to place a hex on someone?

    If Harry Potter can figure it out, I'm sure you can.
  12. M

    What's Judaism?! [Jews Only]?

    It was the original Abrahamic religion, the precursor to Christianity and Islam.