Recent content by MoeM

  1. M

    I had a great weekend

    Mmm momento.
  2. M

    Scandall Sİtesss

  3. M

    Do you enjoy having a gut?

    am i on the right page?
  4. M

    The blatant lies thread

    Is that John Travolta?
  5. M

    Do you like the person above you?

    yeah but in his sig he forgot CJ in the ST:
  6. M


    were is that movie sub-forum? *looks around*
  7. M

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    Right now, those ARE the facts. Cameras don't lie. And if the cops ain't talking (oh shock, they rarely do in my experience), then a vid is all we got. The claims about "going for a gun" and "resisting" are specious at best; I hear that crap all the time from arresting officers who go a bit...
  8. M

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    Wow what a pussy.
  9. M

    I am addicted

    Please give me some advice i dont know what to do. I find myself spending all of my time playing a new game called world of warcraft and i just cant stop myself. Its gotten out of control i have even been skipping some classes just to play it. Please help me.
  10. M

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Lou for being a Panda babe
  11. M

    ITT: We Compliment The Poster Above Us

  12. M

    Best of 2007 - Categories

    Best Meme Best De-motivator
  13. M

    Single for the first time in a looong time, need some suggestions for new clothes

    wear some chucks, gap jeans, and an american eagle shirt and your set. although, if you want to keep your soul, wear what the fuck you like and are comfortable in, not what people tell you to.
  14. M

    Mass shooting/hostage situation at Sikh temple here in Milwaukee area

    Really? Did they survey the criminals to find that out?