Recent content by MMT

  1. M

    How do you remove tar from shoes?

    WD-40 and some old rags. Spray the WD-40 on and let it soak awhile. Wipe of the dissolved tar and spray again. Keep at it until you get all the tar off. Then any degreasing cleaner will take the WD-40 off.
  2. M

    Cooks and bakers: Do you have a favorite hand mixer that you would recommend

    I totally agree with the other poster who said Kitchenaid can't be beat! If I were to buy a hand mixer, it would be one of those. I have 2 of their stand mixers and they just keep on going! One is a good 27 years old and the other 20 and both get used a lot. And they are on sale at...
  3. M

    can i buy a home cinema system without the player because i all ready have a

    You could get just a receiver and speakers but it will probably cost more than buying what is commonly called a Home Theater in a Box. Those are usually much more compact units with the speaker and sub woofer, the "player" which also acts as your receiver. Your Blu-ray player cannot act as the...
  4. M

    can i buy a home cinema system without the player because i all ready have a blueray

    You could get just a receiver and speakers but it will probably cost more than buying what is commonly called a Home Theater in a Box. Those are usually much more compact units with the speaker and sub woofer, the "player" which also acts as your receiver. Your Blu-ray player cannot act as the...
  5. M

    How much is my Honda CRV Worth?

    With the engine problems, you will be lucky to get anything over salvage value for it which will be about 30% of the Kelly Blue Book. For the dealer to resell it, they are going to have to replace the engine and most dealers don't want to get involved in that. They will just ship it out to the...
  6. M

    Is there a theory on the trend of having larger wheels and tires on a vehicle?

    Hubby and I were talking last night and he came up with a question that I had no clue. I'm the geek of the pair and used to work in the auto industry which is probably why he asked me to begin with. There seems to be a trend towards larger wheels and tires on some vehicles. Used to be 15" was...
  7. M

    Is there a theory on the trend of having larger wheels and tires on a vehicle?

    Hubby and I were talking last night and he came up with a question that I had no clue. I'm the geek of the pair and used to work in the auto industry which is probably why he asked me to begin with. There seems to be a trend towards larger wheels and tires on some vehicles. Used to be 15" was...
  8. M

    Is there a theory on the trend of having larger wheels and tires on a vehicle?

    Hubby and I were talking last night and he came up with a question that I had no clue. I'm the geek of the pair and used to work in the auto industry which is probably why he asked me to begin with. There seems to be a trend towards larger wheels and tires on some vehicles. Used to be 15" was...
  9. M

    Romantic vacation to celebrate 5 yr anniversary and save marriage?

    You're not going to like this answer; ditch the trip plans and spend the money on counseling. A vacation is not going to suddenly solve the problems in your marriage, nothing will. But counseling will help you two work through the issues.
  10. M

    Where can I buy cool kitchen gadgets and chef's hats?

    Can't help you with the hat but I'd suggest instead of gadgets buy her good quality, multi-use "tools" for the kitchen. Good knives, utensils, a food processor if she doesn't have one, good stock pots or skillets in stainless steel, a good stand mixer if she likes to bake. More ideas, good...
  11. M

    I have black tar on my hard wood floors how do i get it off, im freaking out!?

    WD-40 and a plastic putty knife used carefully so you don't scratch the floor. Spray with the WD-40 and let it soak for a good 15 minutes and then scrape off the softened stuff. Might take several "treatments" depending on how thick the tar is on there. And the WD-40 will leave an oily mark...
  12. M

    Why don't people check out health care rumors on

    Because it's more "fun" to join the band wagon full of hysteria and get all worked up, scream and rant. Rather than read information and form an opinion from the facts, they prefer to go by what the neighbor's second cousin, twice removed said. I'm with you, I don't agree with all of it, but...
  13. M

    what is the difference between an inexpensive dog food and a high end

    Cheaper brands use less protein and more cereal type fillers in their foods. And usually more fat. Dogs need a certain amount of protein to be healthy. I'm not one for buying the high priced dog foods but looked into one that I felt was better quality than the cheap stuff. I finally settled...
  14. M

    what is the difference between an inexpensive dog food and a high end

    Cheaper brands use less protein and more cereal type fillers in their foods. And usually more fat. Dogs need a certain amount of protein to be healthy. I'm not one for buying the high priced dog foods but looked into one that I felt was better quality than the cheap stuff. I finally settled...
  15. M

    When hooking up a blue ray player........?

    Yes, it does matter. An HDMI cable is the only cable capable of transmitting an HD signal. The red, blue, green cables (or the red, white, yellow) do not allow for enough bandwidth for an HD signal. Think of it as using a garden hose to put out a 4 alarm fire vs. a fire hose. The red, blue...