Recent content by >miSsea<

  1. M

    the consequence of being a virgin?

    There is no consequence of being a virgin other than you can't get pregnant.There is no connection to this and lesbianism but it may be possible, I think you will know if you find men or women attractive (hormones come flooding in).It sounds more like you are suffering from family pressure...
  2. M

    Top Ten Reasons Hockey Is Better Than Sex???

    25. It's ok to bleed during play.24. If it's a bad game, you can call a time out.23. Every player usually has two or three sticks to choose from.22. There is a limit to the sizes of all equipment.21. You can still play when you get married.20. You can change on the fly.19. Anytime you see an...
  3. M

    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries?

    He's not interested in a committed relationship, he's got more than you..........and he doesn't want that to change.
  4. M

    If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    it is but it also depends on why she is doing that.
  5. M

    Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

    at a club to me that would be the last place to look cuz when they get wit u thaey probably aint nothin but cheaterz
  6. M

    Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

    just because you don't like the answers you got earlier doesnt mean you should repost the question.try... in a fantasy.
  7. M

    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    Leave him hanging
  8. M

    do people really think that all q's are meant to be serious?

    a star for you for being SMART!i dont care what people think about me saying this...i think idiots like the ones you described should die so they dont spread their stupid genes onto future generations
  9. M

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    It is -14 degrees in Barrow Alaska
  10. M

    If you catch your son?

    I would probably show him something like History Bites or Mythbusters and try to watch those shows with him.I know you wanted funny answers, but Dora bugs me. Like, a lot.
  11. M

    Sex and testosterone?

    Testosterone doesn't fluctuate in its intensity factor. It's the same all the time, so don't worry about drinking getting randy or anything else. It's a natural element always there.
  12. M

    Did you find out the sex of your baby before birth? Why and why not?

    We have our 20 week ultrasound this Friday. I am still contemplating finding out the sex this time. We did for both of our daughters, but I am undecided this time. I know my husband is set on finding out. He won't even discuss names w/ me until he knows - he figures it will cut the arguing in...
  13. M

    Does sex hinder singing performance?

    well yes dear.... having sex.. needs a lot of energy..... u burn energy wen u have sex and it generates heat in ur body.. so this xcuse dat he gives u is actually TRUE... neva mind.. find some other cosy time to of luck dear...i hope my ans helped u..God Bless
  14. M

    can you summarize the ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER..?

    i need the summarization of this story..please