Recent content by MissDementia

  1. M

    Have you ever really met a true atheist(Not an anti-Christ,they don't count)?

    There are no atheists in Muslim countries or Christian Africa because they kill them. Also, according to the bible, anyone who doesn't believe Jesus was "the Christ" "God and the Spirit" and "came in the flesh" is an antichrist. Not only does that easily cover all atheists, but the vast...
  2. M

    How would you make a mixed religion marriage work?

    Can interfaith marriages work? Well, yes. I have several friends in interfaith marriages. My other half is a different faith than I, but we come from very similar cultures. (We're both Nordic) For us it's not really an issue. The key is to reach an agreement on anything and everything BEFORE...
  3. M

    Are you a Knight of Christ or Allah?

    I'm a Valkyrie. RAWR!!!
  4. M

    Should Pastor Jones be allowed to meet with the iman in NYC?

    Should I be allowed to go to the metal head bar later? I'll throw a tantrum if I can't. It's a free country. Both men are "allowed" to do as they please within the law.
  5. M

    God told Peter it is now permissible to mingle with Gentiles, he did not

    Can I have your share of the shellfish and dead piggie, please? I'm a Forn Sed Nordic Heathen and much like our ancestors, we'll eat anything we can catch. It's a survival issue. It's extra tasty if we can somehow get it to, I mean "ferment", in the snow. We don't get sick from this...
  6. M

    Nostradamus prophecy's??

    No, actually he didn't. He wrote in quatrains that were so vague that they could be interpreted in many ways. This is a favorite trick of people who like to pass themselves off as prophets or psychics and is also used by people who write horoscopes. If it was REALLY a "prophecy" it would be...
  7. M

    What religion is more tolerant? (Christianity, Islam, or Judaism)?

    Any faith that says it is the only correct faith for everyone and those who do not adhere to that faith will be punished is far from tolerant. That goes double for those faiths that try to make others who are not adherents of that faith live by their standards. A tolerant faith does not...
  8. M

    Why does eHarmony seem to do better than God at matching couples for marriage?

    OHAI Kitteh! I would need to know a few things. Did they break down the eHarmony stats by faith? (ie. which God) Among those in same faith marriages, did they list denominations? I know in my faith, divorces are rare. It is an oath, and we view oath-breakers to be just as bad as murderers. So...
  9. M

    SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING...If revenge is a dish best served cold?

    Depends. What color is cold revenge? Monochromatic plates are a crime against the culinary arts, I can tell you that right now. (I play with food for a living, btw.) For a wine selection, I'd have you consult our sommelier, but if you're just looking for a drink in general, I'd do something...
  10. M

    What are the names of the three wise men at the birth of Christ?

    Moe, Larry and Curly Edit: Wow! Had no idea Kalevi got around that much...
  11. M

    What is your reaction to this Christian analysis of premarital sex?

    Sounds like the heathen viewpoint, honestly. Then once (if) we DO marry, we're faithful to the end unless there are extreme mitigating circumstances. In which case we divorce, not cheat.
  12. M

    i want to do volunteer work in cambodia but don't have the funding. is...

    Well, you can always hit the US embassy and inquire about the Peace Corps. I'm not sure which countries they serve now, but you can be either a volunteer or an employee. They have a five year rule limiting your service, but it would be a wonderful experience. Shouldn't be hard to find a US...
  13. M

    i want to do volunteer work in cambodia but don't have the funding. is...

    Well, you can always hit the US embassy and inquire about the Peace Corps. I'm not sure which countries they serve now, but you can be either a volunteer or an employee. They have a five year rule limiting your service, but it would be a wonderful experience. Shouldn't be hard to find a US...
  14. M

    Dead celebrities keep intruding upon my dreams; what is God trying to tell me?

    I think it means "you're out of M&Ms" and "anorexic chicks don't have the strength to lift a mace canister, so go for it, honey". Try and dream about The Colonel tonight. You need more white meat in your diet. Especially if it's been pressure fried to greasy goodness.
  15. M

    To deeply religious people who practice religion - would you date someone...

    I'm a Forn Sed heathen and I married a full Native American who "Walks the Red Road". We're divorced now, but it had nothing to do with faith. It had to do with him being a shiftless, lazy, batshiat insane bastich. *sigh* Hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it?