Recent content by miliy

  1. M

    what is the voucher number on ovi Nokia ?

    what is the voucher number on ovi Nokia ? when i come to download a song they ask for the voucher number whats that where to get it
  2. M

    is there a jeep jaguar ?

    is there a jeep jaguar i heard they have a new model 2009 as a big huge car is it true ? can u show me photos !
  3. M

    i wish that u ppl hwlp me not give me useless answers ?

    my Omnia mobile i cant use it & yeeeaaah i read the manual book that comes with it its small & nth new in it there is many icons i don't know how to use it , i can make call text take pic those are easy but other things options i dont know how & there is nth in the book here is the question i...
  4. M

    G902 sony ericsson mobile?

    G902 sony ericsson mobile my dads is travailing & he told me he brought it to me so i wanna see how does look like ? & whats the best things about it is it anew model ? whats the deffient between g902 and c902 ?
  5. M

    I'm confused witch 1 shall i buy LG or samsung ?

    this or this ?
  6. M

    my two baby shepard mixes.?

    bones from ur food when ur done eating chicken
  7. M

    My dog is so sad. He only gets happy when company shows up?

    he can feel how sick u are just hug him
  8. M

    Do you think animals can sense when your depressed?

    ya they can trust me especially dogs or monkeys its a power of feeling they sense it 100% my dog too when i cry she came & set near me & like hugging me