Recent content by MetalGoddesse//

  1. M

    Do you have a job?

    payment processing center for car payments. :tdown:
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    tested my side split while reinstalling the game. can get lower than i could last time i tried, without training for it. yay weightlifting
  3. M

    Who are you voting for?

    um... what? you're too ignorant to spell one of the candidate's name right?
  4. M

    Top Ninja Master Speaks Out!

    Or he's just a really good ninja and is making us believe he has faith in it with his art of deception . . . . .. .. .
  5. M

    Toilet/Mobile Phone Etiquette...

    LMAO!! Yay a Mallrats fan
  6. M

    Giant... possibly man-killing camels found!!!

    Nice, but I'm guessing you meant they were killed by man, rather than hungry for us, since the article only mentions human remains found at the same site.
  7. M


    i really want a tattoo with stars! i think im obsessed with stars
  8. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    grr to: 1) people doing quarter squats on a smith machine (although it does amuse me that they do it at the same time i squat ATG) 2) people doing quarter squats with a belt on. it wasn't even someone muscular... 3) me not realizing until AFTER messing up my workout sets that i should have...
  9. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Well done you! I'm quite partial to the lime and chilli cashews they do over here.
  10. M

    Hotmail Issues

    on the topic of hotmail issues does anybody know of a way to make firefox my default browser for hotmail, at the moment to get at my hotmail emails it opens up IE and i can't find a way to change it.
  11. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Just a big Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! In keeping with the ToS I’d like to say an emphatic gosh darned damn it! The messed up part is as big as the Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is, and as painful as it is there is still a delicious element that I...
  12. M

    Hot chicks with douche bags

    They aren't too hot..
  13. M

    New Evidence Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone?

    hello, the honor of our clan MUST be avenged!!!! thanks
  14. M

    In the UK, really?

    They mostly come out in the Ninjutsu forum. Mostly.
  15. M

    Happy Birthday Kickchick!!

    Happy birthday... I normally don't respond to these threads, but you're a pretty special person and I am so glad to share your (web) aquaintance. Many more!