Recent content by Mengo

  1. M

    What to buy my mom for christmas?

    Idk what to get mine either, Ima go to the store and wander around until I see something lol.
  2. M

    The truth about size zero.

    My perception of eating disorders is that they are the expression of a much deeper emotional problem that actually has little to do with a comparison to how celebrities look. Not least because the cases I have read about (and in one instance, interacted personally with the individual) make it...
  3. M

    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    Its a more mature word than "jerkface." :rolleyes:
  4. M

    to all you americans!

    Hehe, my stepdad takes the dog to work, don't EVER let him hear you call him a redneck though, 'cause he WILL kill you if you try it. That website was SAD Bob. REALLY sad.
  5. M

    Guy Tears Coyote In Half On Bike *Gore*

    i know a guy that hit a deer and just about cut it in it half. he was doing like 150kph or some thing.
  6. M

    American medicine system

    There are some safety nets: Medicare (for age 65 and older) Medicaid (for poor and disabled)
  7. M

    UK government moves to block pope arrest on visit

    Just like the good old days. When do we get to ransack the churches?
  8. M

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    my first attempt at using fireworks: sorry its so huge, its also my first attempt at adding a pic to a post a possible chat pop-up?
  9. M

    Gordon Ramsay fence?

    Jamie Oliver isn't that bad. Or Heston Blumenthal.
  10. M

    BLASTER Worm Virus

    Ah. Still, how are they gonna know whether you're a legit Uni student or not?
  11. M

    Northern Rock Bonus

    Is it the same management team though? I'd be very surprised if there weren't any changes in the transition. If they met their targets I don't see any reason why senior management shouldn't get the same bonus, it's a hell of a lot better than the companies where senior management get 50%...
  12. M

    snowed in. wat to do?

    Went to a party, got drunk & high, ate ramens, stole food and got away. Sick night :tup:
  13. M

    I don't feel safe in my own home. Help please?

    my mom is the exact same way&I've never seen my dad before (he abandoned us before i was born) so u can imagine how crazy my mom gets when she's upset and wants to take it out on someone. But u know what? life's unfair sometimes, there's only two things u can do 1) put up with it, do what...
  14. M

    sneak into neighbors and aunts house and do things!!!???!!!?

    wtf. u need to get some help.
  15. M

    sneak into neighbors and aunts house and do things!!!???!!!?

    wtf. u need to get some help.