Recent content by MeNeFrego

  1. M

    Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

    Bible. But really isn't it all just the nonsensical cultural bullsh*t from desert dwellers? The whole continuum from Judaism to Islam is all equally absurd.
  2. M

    Cons: Is the movie Brokeback Mountain part of your DVD collection?

    I don't hate gays, I'm just apathetic toward the drama queens among them. I also don't think too much about people who bite their fingernails, unless of course they just insist on doing it in my proximity. I don't watch chick flicks either. Does that mean I hate heterosexual men and women?
  3. M

    Nate Bell, A Arkansas State Lawmaker?

    Why should the police handle it? The cops are "pigs"..I learned that from my occupy buddies. Besides, cops carry guns, and we all know that a guy with a gun isn't the answer to another guy with a gun. The anti-gun lobby told me so. It would be really hypocritical of us liberals and lefties...
  4. M

    Why do some conservatives rant about the federal reserve and the NWO?

    This is not relegated to "conservatives" alone. There is plenty of the same thing on the "left." For example, the "Zeitgeist Movement" isn't exactly a bunch of right wingers and they hold the full spectrum from "Trutherism" to "End the Fed" theories.
  5. M

    If church and state are separate, how can homos have the right to marry when...

    I think it is time to concede some ground and rethink the issue. What are the homosexual marriage advocates asking for in all reality? They are asking to step over to the other side of the line with heterosexual married people, and participate in excluding all others from participating in the...