Recent content by melikedonutz

  1. M

    Sad World

    The guy was in a process of rage. There was no logical thinking. He probably really regrets what he did now, in hindsight, but at the time, he didn't know what he was doing, or at least that's my take on it.
  2. M


    Basically, it's a cult of crazy
  3. M

    Angelina Jolie vs Sarah Michelle Geller

    Pitt is 41? jesus, hes in pretty good nick for a guy his age
  4. M

    Women banned from direct combat roles in US army

    I did not say that there was something about a woman that would prevent her from killing. I said that killing was a soldier's job and I do not want women combat soldiers. Go find a combat officer who wants women in his coofftopicnd. The coofftopicnders in the field are the best ones to judge...
  5. M

    Kidney stones.

    i dont understand how people get them but i know they suck and hurt
  6. M

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    I don't see anything wrong with the Anonymous Militia website.
  7. M

    Student to be extradited for piracy

    The UK has sufficient copyright laws in place to address this issue and they certainly do not involve extraditing people to the US. This decision is just flat out wrong
  8. M


    Hmm I dont know if I would feel comfy training in non bare feet. It would be something to get used to!!! hehe I have the opposite problem...LOVE my feet being touched. It is very dangerous. Touch em and Im not going ANYWHERE hehehe.
  9. M

    Remember the twitter Robin Hood airport thing?

    I did wonder the same thing. One step forward two steps back so to speak. Though I'd wonder how deep the background check is... and how much personal data they ask for that they can't readily access anyhow... even if it means jumping through a few more hoops. As for the whole frequent flyer...
  10. M

    Which style is superior....

    The thought had never crossed my mind Cain, honest What about dripage?
  11. M

    ST guess what!

    I'm also here for you buddy. hugz?
  12. M

    An islamic revolution in indonesia

    Yeah, from what I can tell a majority of the earliest followers of the Abrahamic religons and Buddhism believed in a commodity based monetary system (ie. Gold) without usury (interest). Perhaps religous communities need to go back and look at thier earliest adherents views on economics and...
  13. M

    friday night.... and idk what to do

    There is no party, you have no friends.
  14. M

    Skullcandy...Does anybody have them?

    Sennheiser 280's Sennheiser 650's Shure In Ear Buds Sony Street Style Headphones For Running/biking
  15. M

    The Member Depreciation Thread

    Is that relevant? I like the same standards to apply to everyone - I'm not one for just covering my own back. :)