Recent content by melanie4

  1. melanie4

    Horizon: The Ghost In Your Genes

    Yeah, I only caught the last 15 minutes or so and it looked very interesting except that in the bit I saw, they were talking about research into mice where they exposed an animal to some kind of chemical and subsequent generations developed illnesses associated with exposure to that chemical...
  2. melanie4

    Did you say 40 cakes?

    i can ride my bike with no handlebars
  3. melanie4

    Why is Democracy better than everything?

    Yeah, but it proves that the majority opinion is often wrong, and that giving it free rule is very dangerous.
  4. melanie4

    Women in the Infantry

    Edit: I bolded the link I wish to discuss in case you don't want to read all my crap opinions on the subject and end up missing it in your boredom from reading such a lengthy post For those of you who do not know I finished up a four year enlistment with the Marine Corps in March. I was also...
  5. melanie4

    Favorite weaponry - inspiration

    Yes a 1 handed axe we have at home and a katana when i did aikido. I dont know how would i react if i saw limbs flying all over tho..
  6. melanie4

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    yes thier oakleys, and yes their way TOO EXPENSIVE
  7. melanie4

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    My dragon is sooo totally rad that you can't even see it, either that or it's not there.
  8. melanie4

    Seal Culls

    Ok, I do not want to see this thread go further down hill. Please clean things up before I am forced to lock it for a clean up.
  9. melanie4

    Baby + Microwave = 20 years + Lulz?

    Thats completely fucked up, anyone who finds that funny needs to be shot. How could someone even think of doing such an act? He deserves to be put to death or better yet, stuck in a big fucking microwave.
  10. melanie4

    Thank God for Allah!

    I think that when our government condones the use of torture for any reason, we have lost our way as a country. We are supposed to be a civilized nation with respect for human life and dignity. This country is based on the idea that all humans have intrinsic rights that are delivered to them...
  11. melanie4

    Does this look unhealthy to you?

  12. melanie4

    Too many vitamins?

    I was waiting for someone to say that. Sorry for being curious.
  13. melanie4

    Has anyone been able to find a torrent for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

    Now before you all get too rowdy, let me just say that I have already seen the movie, in the cinema, twice. I don't plan on paying another 10 bucks just to see it again. So has anyone been able to find a torrent that is real and isn't crap quality? Or even one online? Cams are fine, as long as...
  14. melanie4

    What is your Birth Number?

    I am a 6. It seems that I am a primordial artist.
  15. melanie4

    Ipod Touch Or Iphone?

    naw, get a touch, i have one and im addicted.