Recent content by megamom

  1. M

    Weight loss...????????HELP?

    there really isn't a way to predict an amount, everyones body is different and their metabolism is different but your plan sounds good, But... instead of three regular sized meals per day, try to break it up into 6 small sized meals per day. and along with the hour of cardio exercise everyday...
  2. M

    When did you meet your lifetime partner?

    10 years ago but i was 29 years old,
  3. M

    Do I have OCD...(symptoms listed)?

    sounds like you could be but there is definitely something going on. see a dr. or counselor to get a complete diagnosis. if it is ocd, it can be easily managed with medication and/or therapy. good luck
  4. M

    Do you think I am being disrespectful to my mum?

    respect your elders. honor your mother I would never say that to my mother no matter how upset with her I was. you should apologise and try talking to her with out cursing,
  5. M

    Robin Hood returns to Hollywood and robbed Paris Hilton's mansion?

    to bad he didn't take the little dog. I would take her for christmas.
  6. M

    Robin Hood returns to Hollywood and robbed Paris Hilton's mansion?

    to bad he didn't take the little dog. I would take her for christmas.
  7. M

    Robin Hood returns to Hollywood and robbed Paris Hilton's mansion?

    to bad he didn't take the little dog. I would take her for christmas.
  8. M

    How do you know what religion you are if you were raised without one? ?

    I have taken comparative religions in college and read a lot of books and articles on the subject of religion. I decided to be budhist a couple years ago but never committed to going to the temple. I feel like I am a religious person but I don't know how to decide on a religion and follow...