Recent content by maxiumus

  1. M

    Who are some famous people that have died a virgin?

    i heard isaac newton died a virgin but im not sure its a fact
  2. M

    Is it possible for scientists to invent time traveling machines in the future?

    because technology is improving so is it possible for scientists to invent time traveling machines in the future i heard of time traveling films so i'm sure it's possible does anyone agree with me
  3. M

    Will eternal youth be possible in future?

    would anyone like to take the pill of eternal youth and look young forever i would
  4. M

    does the future seems so far away to you it does to me?

    the past seems like only yesterday and my troubles seem so far away
  5. M

    Why is my internet connection slow?

    the internet broadband on the new computer at home is still slow it needs a faster internet broadband speed
  6. M

    Why is my internet connection slow?

    the internet broadband on the new computer at home is still slow it needs a faster internet broadband speed
  7. M

    why does my mum always asks me what im i doing on the internet?

    she is always thinks im bringing rubbish on the computer and i didn't do such a thing what can i do to stop her to keep asking me what im doing on the internet i didn't bring any rubbish on the computer at all why does she think like that for i want her to stop
  8. M

    how can i only make programs that download and installed on the computer to only

    appear on my desktop? i download and installed a lot of programs on the computer how can i only make appear on my desktop can anyone tell me please because they always appear on the other desktops i want them to only appear on my desktop
  9. M

    guys- what celeb do you think is prettier?

    britney spears was far more prettier in her late teens and early twenties but she is not pretty anymore jessica simpson is far more prettier than britney spears
  10. M

    hy does my internet broadband connection keep shutting ?

    every I'm on the internet my broadband keeps shutting why does this keep happening i don't know why it keeps happening how do i solve this problem
  11. M

    how many dress sizes could i lose in 3 months?

    sorry this question is not my cup of tea
  12. M

    Why does my internet connection keep shutting down?

    i have tiscali broadband at home everytime i'm on the internet my internet connection keeps shutting why does this keep happening is there anyway i can stop or avoid this from happening i asked this question before twice but i didn't get enough answers can i have more answers please better ones
  13. M

    15-16 year old celebs?

    sorry i do not know i can't help you
  14. M

    how do i speed up my internet broadband speed?

    i have a internet modern called speedtouch it's speed is only 7.1Mbps how do i speed it up is there anyway i speed it up