Recent content by MarkT

  1. M

    Best Blu ray Home theater in a Box?

    hi searching for Blu ray Home theater which inbuilt Wireless surround and WiFi ready My budget is $1000
  2. M

    Which is Best Home theater in these Two Sony BDVE-370 or LG HT-762TZ?

    I want to buy a Home theater i seen a Good Review on both just want to make sure which is Right please help in this
  3. M

    Looking on taking a great Vacation in the Spring: Any Recommendations?

    i live near San Diego, Ca. have been to San Francisco many times (love it) and Vegas, LA etc. I'm looking on going to destination far away from home somewhere either in the U.S. or Canada. Can you recommend any to me? also recommend stuff in said location
  4. M

    I have a question about the Old Man and the Sea and Christ...?

    SKULL — the bony foundation of the human face. Three of the gospels state that Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, or Place of a Skull (Matt. 27:33; Mark 15:22; John 19:17). Some scholars believe this name was given to the site because it looks like a skull from a distance. Also see Calvary; Golgotha.
  5. M

    what is your favorite thing about your faith in christ?

    Because you are a Catholic and have lost your way. Please read the following scriptures: Cross—a method of execution A. Used literally of: Christ’s death Matt. 27:32 B. Used figuratively of: Duty Matt. 10:38 Christ’s sufferings 1 Cor. 1:17 The Christian faith 1 Cor. 1:18 Reconciliation Eph. 2:16
  6. M

    Is it normal to feel attraction for someone else while in a serious relationship?

    Yeah i still get attracted to other people just dont tell youre fiance and dont cheat!
  7. M

    Do you think my friend is gay?

    Maybe, but dont assume someone is just because of behavior. Some guys are just emotional. My brother is very emotional and caring and he has girlfriend thats in love with him.
  8. M

    Spirtually Speaking, Who Wants to Take a World Religions Quiz?

    Christianity 1) God, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost 2) God as man on earth. Islam 1) No idea 2) Quran Hinduism 1) India 2) Fate Buddhism 1) Buddah 2) Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil, Think no evil Judaism 1) Torah 2) Passover. Easter
  9. M

    Palin Kid Jokes...Double Standard?

    WHY - WHY Are we talking about politicians kids. Apparently the great spin-wheel of irrelevancy for talk-radio landed on politicians children or mothers, fathers, extended family , people they went to school with and dogs. Perhaps the great spin-machine will land back on impolitic scarfs to...
  10. M

    Spiritually speaking for a ps3 or a blueray do you need a special tv, and how much?

    This question belongs in electronics.
  11. M

    looking for an interesting topic for an extended project for history?

    I've decided to do an extended project, most probably an x-thousand word essay or combined presentation on a history topic, but haven't got a clue as to what would be the best topic to do. There are so many to choose from. I've thought about the growth of the media so I might include the...
  12. M

    Does anyone know how to add games from a computer to Motorola Rokr E8?

    I have the games on my computer
  13. M

    Does anyone know how to add games from a computer to Motorola Rokr E8?

    I have the games on my computer
  14. M

    What is everyone doing to rebel and support St George's Day?

    I'm watching the Morris men dance at the pub then doing an English Quiz followed by a hog roast! Yum.