Recent content by Marj

  1. M

    high white blood cell why?

    elevated wbc
  2. M

    How do i convince my friend to join my religion?

    Just pray for him and invite him to church. He has to decide for himself. Pray for God's will for his life.
  3. M

    Is religion just a cure for the fear of death?

    Not at all. Christians want to honor our Creator, God, by listening to his voice and doing his commands. He has told us the truth about what happened and what will happen. There is a hell and a Heaven. There will also be a Millenium for the 1/3 of the human race that survives the tribulation...
  4. M

    Christians, what is your excuse?

    We all believed in a round earth the moment the scientists proved it to be true just like everyone else. We are human like you. The Bible does NOT say the earth was flat. That is the Atheists interpretation. Read Isa. 40:5.
  5. M

    So, now turns out that people who aren't Christians are evil? Please someone...

    If you aren't saved / born again then you are still in the devil's camp and need to be forgiven and spiritual blessed so that you will become a child of God and part of the family of God, and thereby have eternal life.
  6. M

    Christians: Do insects, birds, animals, fishes go to Heaven or Hell?

    They don't have to choose between light and darkness because they don't have souls and don't go anywhere except into the ground unless a predator eats them.
  7. M

    Is there a name for people against religion?

    If they are against religion, they generally just call themselves Atheists I believe. And the people who are against the Jews are antisemites (the people) or anti-semitic (adjective).
  8. M

    Why the right wing hindu parties in india have a problem with gays and lesbians

    When was it ever part of the culture? I've only heard that it was always unaccepted. And who invented the word "homophobic"? It certainly must have been the gays.
  9. M

    I think I am an Atheist, but I am started to become interested in Buddhism, anyone

    That's good since you won't be attacking Christians constantly the way the Atheists do. One problem, your home will be in hell just the same.
  10. M

    What does homo religious mean?

    I thought it might be homosexuals who claimed to be Christians.
  11. M


    is it the future of ebonix?
  12. M

    is it true all the churches that claim to follow christ are christians?

    WE have to be careful. Some may not be---not sure which ones, but we hear of compromising with the word of God in many churches. It depends a lot on the pastor of course.
  13. M


    Only bro's wear those.
  14. M

    Senior Citizens, what do you like to do for recreation if you're feeling up to it?

    I take 5 minute walks around this area. Also, if I go anywhere in the car, that's exercise for me since I walk 2 blocks to the car, get a cart to bring back what I bought then have to walk 2 blocks to put the cart back and 2 blks. back. So shopping wears me out. But got to burn up the...
  15. M

    The most addicting game ever

    this shit is hard bro