Recent content by MarioNader

  1. M

    catholic god and jesus christ the same guy?

    The christian (catholic) God is a Trinity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. M

    Do you believe that Jesus is the savior because he fulfilled the prophecies?

    in other words, why do you believe that Jesus is the savior? Is it because the Bible says so? Dear Gutbucket, if you find it hard to answer a question, please refrain from speaking ********.
  3. M

    Do atheists, especially Israeli Atheists, know the difference between a signature

    Are you signed or are you just a fake? Cause i have this signature on my ***.
  4. M

    Why does God insist on worshipping him alone?

    1. If He is not the only God, then shouldn't we also worship the others? 2. If He is the only God, then how are we going to worship anyone else?