Recent content by Mantrid

  1. M


    hit up a capoeira school, you might find some b-boys there, cause usually b-boy's become capoeistas after seeing how similar it is, so check them out, and thats real talk.
  2. M

    Word Disassociation

  3. M

    Rational Fear?!?!?!

    Okay, so watching a movie last night I heard the this: "there are two kinds of fears, ratioanl and irrational." My question, remember I am questioning only your oppinion, is: Do you think there is such a thing as a rational fear? Honestly, I don't think a rational fear exists. Does that mean I...
  4. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    In general I don't either, but when the guy came it was around the time I expected my post and I thought I had something to sign for
  5. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oh dear. Hope all goes well.
  6. M

    Current Pirate Activity Map

    Yo-ho, yo-ho..
  7. M

    Soldier and Veteran Suicides

    I just heard this on the news (through BBC actually). Apparently they found the same thing with US veterans last year. Although they did say that it was the result of relatively low casualties in Afghanistan for that time period. They also said that the suicide rate for veterans was below...
  8. M

    hit in the penar?

    try alaska ;)
  9. M

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" You were talking about self defense, not firearms. I misunderstood. It wouldn't be the first time the mass of a nation is looking past the actual problem. You can argue all you want but all firearms are the same, in the same way that all...
  10. M

    recent pro life republican actions recently.

    Sorry, that's a bit too indirect. You'll have to spell it out for me.
  11. M

    Middleschool Kid Shot & Killed By Cops

    Middleschool Kid Shot & Killed By Cops uh what? This incident doesn't have any correlation to the Rodney King incident at all. Puhleeeze.
  12. M


    I don't think it's off-topic. and ditto on what Van Zandt said. (lol, did I really just say that? )
  13. M

    Three Word Story

    Like when the....
  14. M

    Tacher cat fight w00t

    COLUMBIA, S.C. — Two female middle school teachers were arrested Wednesday on charges they got into a fight in front of students, officials said. Eighth grade teachers Tawana Horton, 30, and Cambrella Pinckney, 28, bumped into each other during a hallway class change Friday afternoon at St...
  15. M

    bad inventions

    do you seriously expect more than 5 people to understand this? this is st you know.