Recent content by MadScientisteee

  1. M

    Dinosaur's that thankfully are leaving the Earth...a ton of SUV's/Trucks?

    While I am NO tree hugger, the CAFE mandates that will require cars/trucks by 2016 to get 36MPG will sure get a lot of dead-weight off the road. And might even free up some cash to spend on something else?
  2. M

    Nissan's Leaf...powered by COAL & OIL fossil fuel power plants...?

    You didn't think those electron's coming out of that wall socket were provided by Leprechaun's...did you? Oh, how the masses are led to slaughter
  3. M

    "I'm so bored"...Newest gadget for us brain-dead American's...?

    Like a rat in a cage, that needs to keep pressing that button for a pellet... "I'm so bored"..."I have no imagination"..."I can't write"..."I have no conscious"..."I can't add"..."I can't read" But I've got a lap-top, cell-phone and the internet...I'm CONNECTED!!! what?
  4. M

    Can you destroy a relationship by making $1.00 more per year than your BF or Hubby?

    Something happens to a LOT of woman who make more money than their BF's or Husband... They become of the I don't need you anymore(since they make more $$$ than you, what do I need a man for!), and then...chronic complaining set's in...regardless of how much you do, you'll hear...
  5. M

    Reason(s) why you should NEVER buy another GM product...?
  6. M

    Advice for wax + polishing my 84 944 porsche?

    NEVER wash your car in direct sunshine...always use a car-wash liquid specifically for cars(not dishwashing liquid, etc) The hood takes the greatest heat load, so do it at least 3-4 times every time you wax the car. Zymol is fantastic wax for a quality German paint, so it's worth the $$$, and...