Recent content by mac

  1. M

    How to calculate process time, sectors in Hard Drive? Introduction of Computer?

    Here is The Question Q. A disk file of 400,000 records is to be processed sequentially. The record size is 100 bytes and the sector size is 1024 bytes. The time taken to read a sector is 0.2 ms and the time taken to process the record in a sector is 0.1 ms. 1. Calculate the number of records...
  2. M

    I need an interesting topic to train a class on.?

    Talk about DEEP SPACE,what do you expect to find there,if there will be any life form?would you really think there will be humans there,trees,a society like ours.Or just talk about THE FUTURE see what they have in mind-if humans will still occupy the earth,or will we leave earth coz all its...
  3. M

    Warped tour advice please?

    Ok so I'm 14 and going to warped tour for the first time with my sister (it's her first time too) and her guy friend (he's been a few times). At first I didn't want to mosh or crowd surf but now I'm almost positive that I'm going to mosh and crowd surf because my sisters friend convinced me and...
  4. M

    how to remove the windows update icon form taskbar (image inside)? it annoys me a lot! and i dont want to update windows
  5. M

    What Channel Is UFC/MMA On DirecTV?

    Fueltv channel 618
  6. M

    Motorola xoom charger cost?

    I got a xoom, not the new one the old kind or should I say first one, I cant buy one on amazon or the internet, but do anyone know what store sales Motorola xoom charger, and the cost of it ?
  7. M

    Can you solve the world's hardest riddle?

    13. I really don't know. I just guessed.
  8. M

    What would u like to see in next iOS update?

    As this next iOS is coming sometimes in June or October, what r some of the features u would like to see in it??
  9. M

    Bros, when you visit the big blue sheet metal box with the yellow sign and

    Smokin' the good stuff again????
  10. M

    which Animation activity is the quicker and easier to make?Animated feature

    film or animated T.V series? i am curious to me out.
  11. M

    Can someone help my Confusing modifiers, Passive voice use and writing style?

    Any updates to your resume please tell us.
  12. M

    Is this introduction to my essay reasonable? Any errors?

    The topic is "what is the difference between followership and leadership". It is for My Civil Air Patrol Promotion. In today’s time and age were embark on a great crusade in everything we do. We do this by doing what we are told when were told. The type of task nor the difficulty matters but...
  13. M

    how do you read playing cards, for future telling?

    Any way you want. The more original you can be the better, it is only b*llsh*t after all
  14. M

    Period a week after sex..? ?

    I am on birth control and have been for a year. I had sex last month and got my period a week after. This month have had spotting on/off for days. Could I be pregnant? Or since I had a period still, do you think I'm safe?