Recent content by Lupe

  1. L

    could I use my blue ray dvd player with rabbit tv?

    Can a "rabbit tv" be used on a dvd player?
  2. L

    Selling Corolla, buying a SUV?

    I'm sorry but this is not an answer it is just an opinion. You are probably right about not handling 80 MPH. I had an 84 Corolla and it started to feel like it was lifting off the ground at 80 MPH. But I am convinced that SUV's are not all that they are hyped up to be and should be avoided for...
  3. L

    I have a T- Mobile family plan, can i add a data plan for just one phone?

    I have a t-mobile family plan of 3 lines( unlimited text + 1000 mintues of talking time), Can i add a data plan for just one of these phones?
  4. L

    Why do Europeans always act like Roger Federer is the best tennis player of all time?

    I mean it's obviously Pete Sampras and everybody knows that. But Europeans always act like it's Federer and not the King of Swing because they can't take the fact that we completely dominate sports. And how about Agassi? Realistically Federer does not even come in second, but how do you explain...
  5. L

    Why do Europeans always act like Roger Federer is the best tennis player of all time?

    I mean it's obviously Pete Sampras and everybody knows that. But Europeans always act like it's Federer and not the King of Swing because they can't take the fact that we completely dominate sports. And how about Agassi? Realistically Federer does not even come in second, but how do you explain...
  6. L

    Question for iPhone users/owners!?

    What is your average amount for your phone bill with AT&T? And what services are included in YOUR plan?
  7. L

    I hear a rumor around, about periods being delayed is it true?

    I heard from some people that hanging around girls that are in their period the same you are can change your cycle for the next month is it true?
  8. L

    Anyone have cool yet cheap ideas for a huge birthday party?!?

    im having a huge birthday/graduation party in may and i was wondering if anyone has any cool/cheap ideas. like a slushie machine or stuff like that.
  9. L

    What exactly do I need to watch videos from my iPod on my tv?

    I have an iPod Touch 2G. Lets say I buy a movie from iTunes, and I want to watch it on my big screen? What exactly do I need in order to watch the movie on the television?
  10. L

    Is there anyway that I can get the movie Twilight on dvd and my ipod?

    i know some movies release on dvd and a version for your ipod. will that happen with twilight?
  11. L

    How to briefly crash somebody's internet connection?

    he really can't do that especially because he doesn't know your password to the game your playing and because the company of your internet won't allow it since the internet is very stong and cannot do that,not even momentarily.
  12. L

    what does it mean when this box pops up when you try to run second life?

    you try to get on second life and then it says"second life is unable to run because your video card drivers are out of date or unsupported".will give best answer to whom is more reasonable.thx.
  13. L

    My ipod wont turn on it just stays on the apple logo screen I need help?

    i try pluging it to itunes nothing happens it turns off an on.
  14. L

    I am president of my schools drama club, i need help organizing a field trip.?

    okay, so today i found out i was the president of the drama club at my school (ninth grade). the drama club teacher put me up to the challenge to organize a field trip for those involved in drama club. I was thinking a play. But i dont know how to find out whats in town or where it is at. i live...
  15. L

    Why do BMW use staggered wheels on the rears?

    why are they used on rears of bmw 745's