Recent content by Lula

  1. L

    Chaos and Disruption set to hit UK

    I don’t get why this happens...year after year... it not like we're in a tropical paradise, and we're all of a sudden surprised by an influx of what appears to be cold dandruff.. seriously, why the hell does the government and councils do with all the money the scam of everyone..
  2. L

    How far do you take your hobbies?

    Wish I'd had 26K at 14 .
  3. L

    Gun Control

    You still don't get the fundamental point, LJoll, and that is "what is the relation between prohibiting citizens from legally obtaining firearms and keeping criminals from getting them illegally?" If a majority of law-abiding citizens own firearms and do not use them to commit criminal acts...
  4. L

    The blatant lies thread

    I'm going to let this thread stay open beyond tomorrow
  5. L

    People how many times you go to mc donalds in a week?

    Probably once or twice a month. But when I do, I only get iced coffee.
  6. L

    Mororola Cliq 2 with Motoblur or Motorola Defy with Motoblur?

    I can't decide between Motorola Cliq 2 with Motoblur and Motorola Defy with Motoblur
  7. L

    Mororola Cliq 2 with Motoblur or Motorola Defy with Motoblur?

    I can't decide between Motorola Cliq 2 with Motoblur and Motorola Defy with Motoblur
  8. L

    Beer Olympics

    Die BuschLiga
  9. L

    16yr old female drivers are fail.

    Wow. Very impressive. I give her three internets for that one.
  10. L

    Will I suit hat? If so what style?

    Should I wear a hat ? I have green eyes (people say they are big) very short black hair (sometimes called a boy) and apparently high cheekbones ? What sort of hat should I wear ? Or should I not ? :) Thanks :)
  11. L

    Am I stressing out for no reason?

    Over a year ago I went on a few dates with a guy who I met through a mutual friend. I ended up turning him down which I have regretted ever since and feel it was a horrible mistake. He always seemed very interested in me and very eager. Since then I have seen him on a few occasions and have...
  12. L

    This is totally unacceptable treatment of animals

    Indeed - but that abattoir has been closed and the people responsible are facing criminal charges. Did that happen in Indonesia?
  13. L

    Halloween Costumes...

    Freezing by Halloween? I figured it'd be freezing by labor day (early Sept for you Canucks...what is a canuck by the way?).
  14. L

    New Merc (Drooool)

    Whatcha think of the new Mercedes SLR? Drool slavver.............