Recent content by LuigiFontaine

  1. L

    Quotes you live by

    Somebody's been watching Revolver.
  2. L


    A French press is all I have I didn't even realise that anything else was required for making coffee! (Except espresso). All right slip, enlighten us. You seem to be a big coffee man. What beans do you use? Do you roast them yourself? I want your knowledge.
  3. L

    UK nerd faces US prison

    But you are using the treaty to extradite UK citizens! All the UK want is symmetry in the policy.
  4. L

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Mwuahahahahahahahahahahaha Panda is back!
  5. L

    Death row killer forgiven by shooting victim

    Thank you all, happened a long time ago its like a different life, but still thank you.
  6. L


    hmmm.....Special Edition Pigtail Booksie girl, sound like a new action figure for the market. They can be MAP Action Figures
  7. L

    Would you consider this joke racist?

    They probably just think you are a bit of an idiot or drank too much.
  8. L

    Re: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Re: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo then you do it.
  9. L


    Meh, I quite like it. Proper northern music. The bounce scene is quite big up Lancashire and Yorkshire way - Blackout are Boltons finest!
  10. L

    New Worlds richest Man

  11. L

    What imagery of soldiers/warfare/military service did you grow up with?

    I'm always curious what the imagery was that people grew up with in regards to the military and warfare. My family has a long military tradition. Primarily Army and Navy. My father and all of his brothers were in the service... most of them have served in wars and conflicts from WWII to present...
  12. L

    Do you hate people who hate perverted jokes..?

    I used to hate people who hate people who hate perverted jokes, but I am a little more worldly now. Instead I find myself hating people who hate people who hate people who hate perverted jokes. Everyone else is fine in my books.