Recent content by LouieSamman

  1. L

    Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama!

    Yup, he's PO'd at the republicans so this is his way of getting back at them.
  2. L

    Bike Sex! (news, but thread worthy)

    Well, personally I feel safer knowing that my bikes are safe from being fucked. I sure as hell wouldn't want a maniac like that running around, not being monitored. Think of all of the innocent bikes out there.
  3. L

    The Confession Thread

  4. L

    The blatant lies thread

    All of ya are going to hell for lying
  5. L

    Have you ever attempted suicide?

    Yes and I succeeded...:dodgy:
  6. L

    Dating a stripper?

    thank u all and sadly she seems to make a bit more than me so its not the mula, hopefully we can make some fun memories
  7. L

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    i think you should, george costanza.
  8. L

    When bricks hit back

    hahah! i'm so glad that happened to the little bugger.
  9. L

    Wacky conspiracy.

    Exactly. Kinda defeated yourself. Why is it that ppl dont want to believe whats reported? Dont people ALWAYS say you should always ask questions, get second oppinions...think for yourself. Maybe not. Lets all be sheep.
  10. L

    Punching out candles

    I also once licked my fingers and pinched out a candle. It wasn't plain old physics that stopped me getting burned. It was Chi'i'i'ii.
  11. L

    Thank you Australia!

    oddly enough it's why the old wooden telephone poles were all hairless and has a nice deep rich tan.
  12. L

    RBS 6 Nations 2009

    Ah well, Scotland got hammered again and now England are making the same kind of mistakes that hurt them last week. Good to see Sackey get a run like he's good at though.
  13. L

    quick question, about heaters

    thanks for your help :) appricated this thread is now answered... =) a google noob
  14. L


    My dad is really strict on grades. If I am like a B or lower I'm screwed for the month. But I got used to the yelling and whipping. I just take it like a man. I mostly get B's in like Social Studies and English. I am awful at Math so I am usally in the C range. My exploritories are all A's. I...
  15. L

    Apple Retail Store Bill Me Later?

    Can I do a Bill Me Later or get a juniper card at a local apple retail store instead of online and get a macbook? I don't have the money just yet and selling 2 laptops and a camera so I can purchase the macbook but I want to get it now so I want to do a Bill Me Later or get a juniper card and...